“Cassandra get your hands off me this minute” Castillo uttered icily, talking for the first time.

This was when Cassie’s shaking has become too much, and he was finding it so annoying and irritating.

“Huh!” Cassie mumbled as she heard this from him.

“I am not gonna repeat myself” he said again, and quickly, Cassie took her hands off him making a sad face.

He has always been like this, and so she was used to it already. So many times, he’s always snubbing her and making her look stupid, but she was not complaining.

At least she’s the only female with the privilege to go close to him like this, so she would not trade it for anything.

Sometimes, he also talks to her and plays with her when he’s in a good mood, so all this is something she can bear.

She lightened up and put on a fake smile, as she looked up at the students with pride. At least, they have no idea of what just happened



Ivy stood by the poolside looking into the water, it was really beautiful, it made her crave for swimming, she wished she could swim.

She always loves to watch people swim, but she’s so scared of the water, so she would not even make an attempt to learn.

Alvin, Madi, Vina almost everybody her age could swim, except her, and she was not even ready to learn, she’s just always wishing.

She stood there holding herself closely, coz she was feeling a bit cold around here.

She looked around and sighed. Now she’s already beginning to miss home already, she somehow regrets coming here in the first place, she no longer even find the party interesting.

As she was thinking about this, she suddenly felt a presence behind her, and she quickly turned back to see who it was.

“Ah Madi! You scared me” she said as she turned to find out it was Madison. Ivy had her hands place on her chest, and she had a smile on her face.

“What are you doing here?” Madison asked, not even bothering to return the smile. In fact, she was frowning, and her tone wasn’t friendly at all.

“Nothing I just wanna be here, I like the air out here. I just got tired of the party, it’s suffocating” Ivy answered casually.

“Oh, really?” Madison huffed, studying her from head to toe.

“Yeah, and why are you looking at me like that, is there something on my face?” Ivy asked, coz she noticed the way Madison was staring at her.

“Nothing, it’s just that you look beautiful” Madison quickly said, forcing a smile.

“Really?” Ivy asked feeling surprised that Madison commended her, this is like the first time she’s saying that ever since they became friends.

“Yeah I’m serious” Madison said, still keeping up with her fake smile.

“Thank you” Ivy smiled, and she just simply nodded. Ivy shrugged, and slowly took her eyes back to the pool, she loves the sight a lot.

Madison stood there and kept watching Ivy, wondering what she was gonna do with her now. Seeing Ivy smile that way was really pissing her off.

She knows Castillo was always looking at her, and sometimes they even have secret eye contact, but Ivy hid this from her, and claimed to hate them.

If Ivy can do this, then this only means she’s also feeling something for Castillo, there’s definitely something between them that she doesn’t know.

Just because Ivy’s been in the school before her, under a scholarship that’s supposed to be hers. Does not give her the right to act all special and important.

Remembering all this was really pissing her off! Ivy has taken so many things that belonged to her. But this, never! She’s not letting her off the hook this time, she’s gonna pay dearly for this.

Even if it means fighting till her last breath, Ivy cannot take Castillo just like that when she’s alive.

She eyed Ivy scornfully as Ivy kept watching the pool, and Ivy was so engrossed in what she was looking at that she didn’t even turn to look at the back at all.

She totally thought Madison had left, coz she was no longer feeling her there, not hearing any sound. So she relaxed and continued having her peaceful view.

Madison thought for a while, and then made up her mind on what she was going to do.

And in a flash, she stretched out her hands and pushed Ivy into the pool.





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