“Yeah though not certain , let’s just see what tomorrow would bring .” She wrote and went offline .

“Dr Ogwuche your attention is needed at the emergency room.” A nurse called to Ogwuche , she had searched for him in the whole hospital , he got his stethoscope out of his pocket, a black ropy medical apparatus, used by doctors and nurses to check the heartbeat and heart pulse . And broke into a run .

“Where have you been Dr Ogwuche?” Dr Vahe complained bitterly. “I have told you not to make your phone a priority here , if this continues I’ll have to report you to the management and have you moved to another ward you are a doctor the power to help save a life is in your hand !”


He yelled before working into the room , he wore a big nylon over his uniform to prevent blood from the injured victims to spill on his uniform .

It was a teenager who had been struck by a hit and run driver , she was covered in blood , it was pouring freely from her cute and bruises . Nurse Mimidoo joined them at the emergency room . The two doctors and three nurses worked so hard to stabilise the injured girl .

“Mimidoo why do you hate me so much ?” Ogwuche asked Dooshima’s best friend. “You don’t know me , you just judge me because I am Idoma ? I grew up here in Gboko , I left my village when I was ten years old , to come and live with my uncle .” He said .

“Because you got to know that I was Idoma I automatically a bad person who hates Tiv? Why do we worship in the same church ? why do we pray to the same God,

if we cannot love each other and try live together?” He asked her , relaxing with a paper cup of coffee, relaxing his back on the wall of the lobby , he had blocked her there after the girl was stabilised.


“I don’t hate you Dr Ogwuche, I am not capable of hating. Your Idoma people have a tendency of looking down at my people, we are good for dating , for bearing your kids , but never good enough to be married .

Are you going to pretend that it isn’t a thing with the Idoma’s ?” She asked , Ogwuche sipped from his cup of coffee, took his time before his mouth opened to speak .

“As I said I grew up here , I was too young to understand love and culture before I left home .

But the fact is that , a man and woman can choose who he and she wants to get married to , nor their parents can choose for them , if they’re determined to find their own happiness.” He chortled , Mimidoo looked into his black eyeballs, and saw his soul , she found sincerity in them , she was left speechless.

“Dooshima is a good girl, there was a time I left the Church , I messed up for a couple of years. But for her , she has been a good girl , Good girls should find good men who would love them .”She said as she tucked her arms around each other .


“I know an Idoma boy caused you pains. I am not that guy , my name is Ogwuche Simon Inalegu. I’ve changed my ways because of Dooshima, please I need your support to be able to love her .” Ogwuche begged , looking into Mimidoo’s eyes so she could see his sincerity.

“Okay I’ve heard you , you even caused a fight between me and my bestie , just don’t break her heart , because you people are like that .” Mimidoo added , Ogwuche smiled and shook his head.

“There’s nothing like you people, there’s no standing law anywhere in Idoma where one can marry , or who one can marry . Such prejudice is individualistic, you cannot sum up the whole people into a single class .” He said .

“Okay I’ve heard you, I’ll put in words for you . But how dare Dooshima tell you about my relationship? How much did she tell you ?” Mimidoo asked .

“Well not much , just that you were in a bad relationship with an Idoma guy , that was all .” He said . He regretted letting out what Dooshima had told him “Please don’t mention it to her .”


Okpe had been in Adagba Orthopaedic Hospital for one week , his leg wasn’t getting better the leg had swollen three times over ,and developed an infection.

His wife had suggested they transferred him to the Federal Medical Centre Makurdi or any better hospital, she wondered what the people from Adagba at Otukpo were doing , she didn’t want her husband to lost his life .

So she sold everything she had and they found their way to FCM Makurdi . Okpe was placed on admission ,while several test and scans were carried out on his leg ,

the leg had become an elephant leg , he had to be carried to the bathroom and toilet by his sons , and the leg began to change colour.

Okpe and his wife and two sons were men’s ward when a tall lanky fair in complexion doctor walked up to them with some files.

“Good morning Mr Okpe , we’ve done all the test we ordered for , and we now have the result , the pallets from the cartridges fired at close range, severed your ……….


something could have been done to save your leg if you had come here on time , but the time you spent at the quack hospital, saw your injuries deteriorate to an extent where your only option is amputation of your leg to save your life .”

she said with a said and gloomy face . Okpe closed his eyes and rubbed his arms over his face .

“So Ogar has turned me to a cripple ?” He wept and shook his head . After he had cried enough he gave them a go ahead .
His right leg was sawed off from above the ankle were the pallets had damaged bones and veins .


Wrapped around with white bandaged that would soon be soaked red with his bIood . The emotional and physical came destabilise Okpe’s life .

He wondered how he was going to sponsor his five children through school .



Articles: 147

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