Written By Mayor


Ben moved closer to Natasha. She was feeling dizzy, her face paled and her breath was shaky for the past hours.

“You need to hang on okay? Don’t die on me” Ben said tapping her cheek.

Her wound was not properly treated which was now affecting her. She could hardly keep her eyes opened.

As for Ben’s leg. He successfully placed his joint back to its place but still pretend it hurts.

“Hey dkface!! Can’t you see she needs a medical attention?!” Ben yelled at the speaker but there was no response.

“I don’t think he’s on seat” Natasha said weakly. Her stomach hurts as she speak.

“He’s everywhere so why isn’t he here at a crucial moment?” Ben was going nuts as he watch Natasha’s painful face.

“How’s Jake?” Natasha asked forcing her gaze to him.

“He’s fine, you’ve asked that many times” Ben answered.

“I missed him” she muttered.

“He talks about you all the time. I’m sure he’s looking for you right now” Ben said.

A strange sound made them stood alert.

“What was that?” Ben stood looking around. It was like a gas being released into somewhere.

“Something is not right” Ben muttered.

“What do you mean?” Natasha asked

“I think Venom is bursted” He replied.

The next thing that follows was loud gvnshots everywhere.

“The police found us” Ben said having a strong of hope.

The loud gvnshots continued for seven minutes before subduing.

“Tasha!!” They heard the sound of someone. Natasha’s eyes widened recognizing the voice.

“Jake” she muttered forcing her eyes opened.


“Over here!!!” Ben yelled hitting a door several times.

“I heard something” Jake held Wilson as they both look at a direction. They were both wearing an oxygen mask.

Two police was accompanying them. They were actually seven of them who came to rescue but three were klled already.

Jake was the one giving them a possible direction on where Natasha might be kept and he did it.

The door was opened using oxy-hydrogen flame. Jake ran inside immediately, his eyes laid on Natasha and his lips parted.

“Tasha, fk” He Bagan crying holding her shoulder.

“You found me” she said weakly.

“Yes I did.. God I thought I lost you” Jake said hugging her lightly while crying hard. Only he knows how relived he was seeing her.

“There’s another girl, I think she’s hurt. You need to save her too” Ben said to Wilson.

“They took her somewhere” Wilson answered and his face dropped.

“What? You need to save my cousin. She still young” Natasha sobbed.

“I promise she’ll be okay.. let me help you walk, we need to get out of here.

They are still some men out there so you need to stick with me” Jake said and she nodded. He gave her a light on her cheek before helping her up.

Wilson threw a gun at a Ben.

“I looked into your history, you should be able to use that” He said.


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