Written By Mayor


“Tasha?” A tiny voice sounded through the speaker. Ben also sit up and their eyes widened the more.

“Mika, you alright?!” Natasha asked loudly.

“H..he my leg” Mikaela stuttered.

“Son of a bch!!!!” Ben yelled madly. His fist clinch hard.

“I’ll give you sometime to time. Adios” Venom chuckle and the speaker went off.




“Who are you, if I may ask” Helen asked raising her brow.

Rachel was busy glaring hatefully. She recognized the lady. Pinkie on Instagram. The worst part was she was a fan.

“Oh sorry my bad, like I said I’m Charlie Banks. I’m…” She paused and her smile went down.

“Leonard Miller’s wife” she completed and the shock on their face bought her the joy she need.

“What rubbish is she spurting Leonard. Wife? Don’t tell me you both married” Mr Miller was about to lose his senses.

Rachel almost choked at the news.

“Hubby, didn’t you tell them about it” Charlie faced Leonard, pouting her lips cutely.

“Sorry love, I was planning to let you give them the surprise and you did a very good job on doing that” he winked.

Helen h!t her hand on the table and stood up to her feet.

“Who do you think you are seducing my son into marrying you!!” She yelled.

“Oh my, I wasn’t the one who seduced your son, he was the one who seduced me first.. I’m a hot cake yunno” Charlie blinked.

“You heard her, I seduced her in making her mine. She was really hard to get” Leonard also said.

Mr Miller scoffed. “You think I would believe you two are married? Don’t be immature” He said coldly.

Charlie smiled, opening her bag, she bought out a file. She gave the paper to Mr Miller.

He took the paper and read with his eye widening at every seconds.

“Let me see” Helen snatched the paper and read it too. She slowly sat on her seat in shock.

“It’s nice to meet you in law. I’m so flabbergasted right” Charlie grin.

Mrs Davis stood up, picking her bag. “Let’s go Rachel, we are done here”

“Wait we’ll fix this. I promise.. our son can’t marry someone like her. Your daughter is better” Helen quickly said.

“Better? you mean a girl who takes Coke ( is better?” Charlie asked.

It was Mrs Davis turn to be shock. “What are you talking about?” She look at her daughter.

“You bch!!” Rachel yelled, her eyes was red in anger.

“Call me bitch one more time then I’ll post your video on my page and let 5 million people watch it.

My fans are vicious in case you don’t know” she says calmly.

Rachel stood and walked towards Charlie. She raised her hand to sI.ap Charlie but Leonard held her hand.

“Touch her and you d!e” he warned coldly then held Charlie by her hand. “Let’s go love”

Mr and Mrs Miller was just speechless as they watch them leaves.

“Sorry for the stress” Leonard apologized while driving Charlie home.

“Your plan was awesome” Charlie smiled.

Leonard actually called her and told her everything. So he suggested they should get married, that’s the only way to stop his parent from perstering him.

“And you did a good job on making it work, I mean how did you know she take cocaine? You are a goddess!” Leonard chuckled.

“It was a guess actually. I saw a video of her online with some rogue girls, they were smoking.

I can’t believe she actually took cocaine for real” Charlie laughed lightly.

“Did you see their faces, I love the look on my father especially”

They laughed again.

“Sorry it had to go this way” he muttered seriously.

“Let’s stay married, we can celebrate it and tell our friends later on” She said and Leonard stopped the car immediately.

“For real” he grin happily.

“Yes I love you”

“I love so much Pinkie” he said drawing her close for a hot kss.


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