Written By Mayor



“Thanks” Elsa said taking the bag filled with apple from the counter.

She pulled out her phone reading Raymond’s texts. She wish she could type back but she wants him to pay dearly for it.

Getting outside, the fresh breeze hit her. She decided to take a walk to her dorm instead.

Feeling a strange presence behind her, she turn back but saw no one.

She continued walking and began to type something as fast as she could on her phone then slide her phone into her b.ra. A hand grabbed her from behind.

She twisted the hand and face the person but another guy placed an handkerchief on her nose. She tried to fght the darkness creeping in but it won instead.

“Wakey wakey” A strange voice woke her up from her sleep.

She blinked several times before she could have a clear sight. Her hands and leg were tied.

A middle age man was before her. Two guys stood behind him with a dangerous look.

She could still feel her phone in her br.a, she knew they won’t search her there.

“You’ve changed a lot, I almost didn’t recognize you” The man said.

“Who are you?” She asked feeling irritated.

“They call me Champ, the greatest gangster in the street. I once worked with your father.

We did a business together and I’m yet to collect my share” He spoke showing his black teeth, his accent a bit strange.

“Oh God, not again” she muttered.

He leaned forward. “You my dear, are going to pay the debt of your father or else we’ll kll you”

“First, fk you for bringing me here, second don’t call me dear it squeezes my stomach and lastly if you have a fked up issue with my father. Go to heaven and meet him” she snapped.

“Heaven? You think you father went to heaven?” He chuckled, the men behind him laughed lightly.

“Right then. Go to h’ll motherfker” she said. A sI.ap land on her cheek and she bI.eed at one side of her lips.

“Cheeky bstard, you’re just like your Father!” Champ spat.

Elsa sucked in the blood on her lips and spat it out. “Yunno someone is so obsessed with the lips you just h!t and he’s going to get so mad if you destroy it” she muttered raising her cold gaze to Champ.

“What, who are you talking about?” He asked.

“Ha sorry my bad, I forgot to tell you” she smiled cutely at him.

“I have a boyfriend”

Immediately she said those words a loud scream could be heard.

“Who is that?” Champ asked getting restless. He look back and forth before standing on his feet.

The sound of gvnshots send fear into them.

“Argh, my eyes, he $t..abbed my eyes!!!” Another scream rented the place, Champ men pulled out their gvns and pointed it towards the door.

Elsa let out a secret smile.

“Who is that?!” Champ asked hearing another scream.

“I told you already. Trust me your pvnishment would be double since you almost destroyed his favorite candy” she smirked.

Champ bought out his knlfe and placed it on her neck. “Let’s see how he’ll react seeing you like this” he smirked, his mouth smell ho..rribly.

If her hands wasn’t tied, then she would have covered her nose.

The door busted down and the men began to sh..oot the person who showed up.

Smoke covered everywhere as they watch the person collided to the floor bI.eeding on every part. It was one of their men.

A masked guy came in, he $t..abbed the right one chest with the knlfe on his hand, he h!t the gvn away from his hand.

Removing the knlfe, he shoved it into his neck. BI.ood splat over.

Champ eyes widened as he watched in terror.

The other guy began to sh..oot but the masked guy dodge until he got to him.

Sending several pvnches into his stomach until he bI.eed from his lips. He held her neck and twisted it, klling him instantly.

Champ almost forgotten the girl before him.

The masked guy threw a knlfe in the air, then jumped to kck it. The knlfe flew and dive into Champ’s skull sending him down, his bI.ood wetting the floor.

Elsa’s eyes was on the masked guy the entire time without blinking for a moment. His moves were just like that night.

The guy took slow steps towards her before squatting. His hand reached to remove the mask revealing his face.


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