Written By Mayor



“Take, you need it” Mrs Brown stretched a cup of coffee to the guy sitting on the couch with his arms folded.

His face was paled like that of the dead with some bruise. He just woke up.

Raymond looked the other side indicating he doesn’t want.

Mrs Brown sighed, she dropped the cup on the table beside him and went to sit before him.

“I’m glad you came” she said with a lovely smile.

“I don’t wanna talk to you” he mumbled.


“I can leave if you want” he snapped looking at her.

“So you decided to push her away?” She asked.

“You knew?” He frowned.

“She called to tell me about her story and how you were asking about her father, The scar on her left leg.

Then I knew she was the girl you almost klled.. you showing up here, I can guess what happened” Mrs Brown explained.

“She deserves someone better” he muttered.

“And you’re not someone better?”

“I’m the worst”

“Look it’s okay to make mistakes, it’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to face the cruel world, it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to scream and fight, it’s okay to be happy with the one you love, it’s okay to doubt, it’s okay to cvrse the world.

We are human, we are not perfect” Mrs Brown paused.

“What is not okay is for you to hate yourself. That’s the worst thing ever. It’s the worst to..rture a human can get”

Raymond took a sharp in take of breath.

“What are you implying?” He asked.

“Tell the truth. She needs to hear it” she replied.

“I can’t.. I mean I tried but I can’t” he voice came out shaky.

“She loves you, it might hurt but she will forgive you” she said.

Raymond chuckled looking at the floor.

“Yunno when the police dragged me out of that apartment. There were crowd outside calling me a mvrderer. The look on their faces, I can never forget them.

The people I thought they would believe me held the same expression on their face.

My whole world crumbled when the person I called my mother called me a bstard and monster”

A tear dropped out of his eyes.

“I grew up seeing them as my parent. They heard the news about Victoria and then they turn their back on me.

It was the worst feeling ever. I’m scared the same thing would happen with Elsa.

I’m scared to see that disgusting look on her face cus if I do.. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it”

Mrs Brown went mute listening to his point.

“When she came to the bar, all I saw was hope and love for someone like me.

That was the same look the people I called my parent had… The news came out and they look at me as if I’m a devil”

Mrs Brown shook her head as tears fell out of her eyes.

“Here I was thinking I’m going to find peace. The past is never going to stop hunting me right?”

Mrs Brown stood up immediately, went to sit beside him and hug his face.

“I’m so sorry Raymond” Mrs Brown muttered hugging him as he began to cry on her shoulder for minutes.


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