Written By Mayor


“I don’t love you.. I never did”

A long silence dragged on between them as they both stared at each other.

He tried spilling the truth out but he couldn’t.

Knowing she had been dating the one who klled her father, is going to tear her apart.

One thing he didn’t know that what he just said affected the lady in front of him greatly.

“Ray please don’t.. don’t do this” she took a sharp intake of breath.

“I’m serious Elsa, I never loved you” The word came out as a whisper. His head was spinning just with what he just said.

Elsa scoffed and nodded lightly.

“You’re such a bad liar” She muttered walking closer to him. Her face inches from him.

“You still don’t wanna tell me the truth, then fine. I tried my best.

If I walk through that door.. you’ll regret greatly” Her eyes were already turning red.

She was at the verge of crying but not a single one came out.

Raymond stayed mute. He digged his finger into his palm hurting himself.

She shifted back from him and slowly. Closing his eyes, it took every strength in him to drag her back and give her a hug but he doesn’t deserve it.

No matter he did, his past will always hunt him. His world and hers was not the same.

Elsa kept on walking non stop. Her breath was shaky as she tried hard to breath. She wince in pain, her eyes hurts so much.

Spotting a bench outside a house she sat on it. The words he said replayed in her head driving her nuts.

Blinking severally her sight was getting blurr.

“Elsa” A voice called and she looked up just to see Jake standing with Charlie beside him.

“Oh sht, your eyes are red” Charlie ran towards her and squat before her.

Without a word, Jake knew his friend was behind this. He turned immediately and head towards the bar.

Raymond stood on his spot for minutes, The door flew opened and Jake entered the bar. His angry gaze land on Raymond.

He went towards him and throw a hard pvnch on his face sending him to the ground.

“Sht, Jake” Ben tried to come in front of him.

“Get the fk out of my way!” Jake barked going towards Raymond. He dragged him up and punch him again. Raymond lips got bursted as he spit out bI.ood.

Raymond didn’t even bother dodging his attack since he knows he deserves it. He needed those pvnches.

Jake did the same thing over and over until Ben yelled ‘Stop!’ at him.

“She gave you everything Ray, is that how you’re going to repay her?! What the h’ll did you do!!!” He yelled as he watch Raymond sitting on the floor with bruise on his face.

Ben held Jake shoulder. “Can we talk outside and not here”

Jake gave Raymond a quick glance before storming out.

Ben told one of his guys to watch Raymond before going out with Jake.

“How could you let him do that?” Jake snapped.

“It was his choice. Elsa is Raider daughter” Ben said quickly.

Jake brow curved down greatly.

“What rubbish are you spurting? Are you trying to cover that bstard up?” Jake scoffed.


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Articles: 27

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