Written By Mayor


Jake look back at Raymond and stood. He pulled out some change in his pocket and stretch his arm towards them.

“Please leave that’s all I’ve got” he said.

Their leader look down to Jake’s hand and back to his face.

“Do we look like a begger to you? What the fk is this?!” He snapped.

“Look man, you’ve got to go. I need to take care my friend..”

Jake couldn’t complete his word as a pinch land on his face. He staggered backwards.

Two of the touts held him and pvnch his stomach causing him to fall flat on the floor.

“Search the other one” The leader ordered the tout with him and he obliged instantly.

The tout went towards the guy whose head was still facing the ground.

“Stay away from him!” Jake yelled but his stomach was kcked.

The tout made to touch him but was shocked when Raymond suddenly grab his hand. His BI.oodshot eyes slowly moved up to the tout.

Raymond draw him close, kck his leg and then made the thug head collided on the floor. BI.ood ooze out of the his forehead immediately.

Standing, Raymonds adjust his neck. His eyes turned darker as he stood on his spot.

“What?” The leader muttered drawing out a small da..gger in which he Bagan to att..ack Raymond with. Without effort Raymond dodge and grab his arm.

“Thanks” Raymond muttered. He twisted his arm, grabbed the knlfe, and bend to $tab his both leg.

A loud resounded cry escaped the leader lips as he slowly go down to his knees. BI.ood gush out of both legs.

The other two holding Jake let go of him and ran away not looking back.

Raymond placed the knlfe on the leader’s neck.

“No!! Ray don’t!!!” Jake yelled madly at him getting up instantly.

Raymond spared him a glance before looking back at the guy in front of him whose body was already shaking in fear.

“Please don’t kll me” The guy stuttered. Tears run fown his cheek.

“Ray, you don’t have to do this. Let him go” Jake said.

Raymond’s grip on the knlfe tighten. He was trying hard to stop himself.

“Got any alcohol?” He forced himself to ask Jake.

Jake look around, he took one of the bottle of alcohol those thugs left behind. It was still new cus it was tightly covered.


Raymond snatched it from him, opened it and pour the liquor into his mouth fast.

“Get out” Jake said to the guy kneeling on the floor. Not wasting a moment, he stood and left wobbling.

Raymond groaned out feeling the burn in his throat. His bI.oodlvst reduced a bit.

“What happened?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.. I’m fine you can leave” Raymond said in a hoarse voice turning to leave.

“I’m calling Elsa” Jake said taking his phone out.

Raymond grabbed his phone immediately and threw it away.

“What the h’ll? You could have tell me no.. that’s my second phone you’re destroying” Jake snapped. “Don’t tell me you and Elsa had a fght”

A car stopped before them and Ben got down immediately.

“Thanks Jake” Ben said. His gaze moved to the unconscious guy on the floor.

“Did you kll him?” He asked Raymond.

“No, I didn’t h!t him that hard” he replied walking towards Ben’s car.

“I’ll call the ambulance” Jake said and watched Ben drove Raymond away from the place.

“Oh sht” Jake muttered remembering Raymond smashed his phone already.


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