Written By Mayor


Mrs Brown worked in an hostel where rich famous men come to have fun. There, she met Mark Adams. He was a fine man with a cheerful aura around him.

They got to talk and have a drink together. She thought their heart was made for each other and fell for him just on that night. One thing led to another, they ended having sx.

The next morning, she woke up, Mark was gone. She made a research about him only to find out that he was married with a son.

She decided not to chase after but then found out that she was pregnant.

She got so scared because she was still under parent. They were not that rich and she was just a waitress.

One day, she finally met him. Out of anger, she challenged him but he denied everything.

He threatened her not to ever show her face again. Even when she told him about her pregnancy. He accused her of doing this because of his money.

Her parents send her out, saying she was a disgrace to the family.

She couldn’t abort the baby, she gave birth to Raymond. Raising her wasn’t that easy as she struggled to feed herself and her child.

One of her friend offer to help her abroad. She decided to leave Raymond with her most trusted neighbor; Mr and Mrs Hampton to look after him. They surprisingly agreed.

Raymond’s pictures was been sent to her every single day. She watch her son grow into a man, her day was never complete without seeing his picture.

She worked hard so she could send money to her neighbor to let Raymond live a good life.

Elsa went mute hearing her story, who would have thought she once face such a thing.

“I can’t believe he grew up cuter than me” Mrs Brown joked and they both laughed.

“Yunno he hates been called cute right?” Elsa chuckled.

“Yeah, he once threw a fit when I once called him cute” she said.

“Then one morning, I saw the news, that my son was arrested for rappe and mvrder.

My neighbor died in an accident. It was a terrible experience Elsa.. The only thing I could do was to find Mr Adams for help.

I threatened to reveal everything about us. He promised to help me if I decided to keep the fact that we are his parents.

The reason, I do not know but all I wanted to do was to get my son out. He finally succeeded on getting him out with the help of a mysterious man”

“A mysterious man?” Elsa frowned.

“Yeah, after Raymond got out, I decided to pretend to be his therapist to help him change.

I wanted to tell him I’m his mother but I couldn’t knowing how hurt he would be.

I wanted him to be healed first. It wasn’t easy at first.. his situation didn’t change even after a year not until he met you Elsa” her voice came out cracked.

“You changed him”


Raymond got down from his car and ran towards the mall.

“Hey” He called spotting Elsa. He took in her dress, she was wearing a jean shorts exposing some of her smooth thighs and a white crop top.

‘Sexy’ he thought biting his lower lip.

“Hey baby” Elsa said hugging him. She tip toed and captured his lips kssing him hard in public.

Breaking the kiss, Raymond frowned.

“Charlie said there’s a party tonight, wanna come with me? It’s getting dark already” She said caressing his lips with her finger.

“Yes sure” he said kssing her lips. “You’re getting me hard on”

“I love your naughty side. I feel like having your dick in my mouth right now” she whispered. Grabbing his right hand, she placed it on her bvtt.

“Oh Gawd Elsa, what are you doing?” He asked looking around.

“What, you don’t like this side of me?” She asked kssing his jaw.

“I do but..”

Elsa shut him up with a kss.


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