Jeremy was the first to woke up and turning to see Moanna sleeping so peacefully made him to smile.

Her lashes were hung against each other perfectly, her heart shaped lips were so cute and freshy that he was tempted to kss her.

The strands of her hair were covering part of her face, making her more sxy.

If someone would have told him that he’d one day fall in love he would have sent that person to prison but right now he fell so hard.

Everything about her is perfect, her smiles, the way she talks, the way she eat, the way she walks, her strawberry lips, every single act of hers make his heart to thud.

He took his time in admiring her.

He suddenly smiled as something came to his head.

His phone started ringing and took it.

He swiped green and Freddie loud happy voice eluded.

“Bro, I’m in love” Freddie screamed.

“Hey don’t damage my ear”.

“I Kssed her yesterday and she kssed me back” Freddie said.

“Who are you talking about exactly?” Jeremy asked.

“Joanna we kssed yesterday” He replied and Jeremy eyes widened.

“Are you for real?” He asked.

“I’m sure bro, I’m ¢razy about her”.

“Then what are you waiting for, confess to her”.

“Are you in love with Moanna?” Freddie asked and Jeremy instantly choke.

That act of his woke up Moanna and she moved on the bed.

“Bro answer me?” Freddie said but Jeremy cut the call.

“Pretty eyes” He called.

“Making me to blush in the morning”.

“Call me Mr ro…mantic” He said proudly.


“It has been long you call me that” He smiled and she sat up.

” It was the best feeling sleeping in your arms” She said and he pulled her to his chest.

He took her silky hair into his fingers and started stroking it.

“Even in the morning you’re so beautiful” He said, still stroking her hair.

She looked at him and touched his face.

“You’re hotter than the sun” She said.

“And your beauty can heal a blind man” He said she blushed heavily.

She snuggled more into him and tighten the hug almost suffocating him.

He smiled and started moving his hands on her back, they stayed in that position for some minutes before disengaging.

He cupped his face into his hands and pecked her lips lightly.

“Not allow” She frowned.

“That’s a good morning kss” He said.

“Let’s brush” He said before she could say a word, she was already in his hands.

She smiled as he took her to the bathroom.

He dropped her and they took the same set of toothbrush, same color.

They applied toothpaste on it and began brushing.. after they were done, Jeremy carried her in a bridal style and went downstairs with her.

He entered the kitchen with her and placed her on the counter.

“What should I cook for you?” He asked.

“Rice and salad” She replied.

“Okay my boss” He said and she laughed heartily.

“You’re so funny”.

“For you” He said and went to the shelf to get the ingredients.

“Should I help?” She asked as a notification popped in her phone.

“Don’t worry yourself” He said and took out everything.

He placed them on the counter and his eyes landed on her irresistible, tempting lips and he immediately moved to her.

He stood between her legs and hugged her.

“Jeremy” She whispered.

“I’m hungry” He said sxily.

“Hungry, but you are trying to cook something”.

“I’m hungry for something else” He said and faced her.

“What is that?” She asked blinking.

“Your lips” He replied and blew his minty breath on her face..

Moanna m..oaned inaudibly.

He kssed her nose then moved to her forehead, he began kssing her face till Moanna started giggling so hard.

He stopped and captured her lips, he licked her lips and broke the kss.

“That is how are you doing today kss” He said and kssed her again.

He broke it.

“That is you’re special to me kss” He said and kssed her again.

“That is you’re the most prettiest lady kiss” .

Moanna face was completely a tomato as she was dancing in the pool of blushing.

He kssed her again and broke it.

“This is the I….”.


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