I stared at Tyler,

“What do you by that”

“Mason was forced to get married to Arianna for your own protection.

He was threatened by his father that if he doesn’t marry Ariana he’ll hurt you and make your family lose everything including your brother”.

I gasped at the sound of that.

“And how do you know that”.

He was silent for a few minutes.

He stared at the ground, not looking at me.

“Because that’s the plan I and Arianna came up with”.

“I will get you while Arianna will have Mason “.

I looked at Tyler as the tears came rushing down more.

“How could you Tyler, how could you do this to me “.

“I’m sorry Avery, I didn’t know Arianna would go this far. But I don’t love you and I hope you forgive me “.

“I just realized that I’m not in love with you. When I realized what I was doing it was already late”.

“Mason has already agreed to get married to Arianna.

I thought I would be happy but I was sad. I tried to talk Arianna out of it but we got into a fight and I left”.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you Avery, I was your best friend and I promised you I’ll always be there for you but I broke it.

I even hurt you in the process, I feel like the most terrible person in the world “.

“You don’t have to forgive me but I promise to make things right “.

I was now crying, thinking Mason didn’t love me at all but he had to do all that just to keep me safe from his father.

Yeah I was angry at Tyler but I was at least grateful he told me all this.

I don’t know what to say to Tyler so I just walked away.

I went straight to the A4’s mansion.

I saw all of them looking worried but immediately they saw me and they rushed to me.

“Are you okay?” Westley said.

“Did you knew”

“Know what” he replied.

“Did you know that Mason was forced to get married to Arianna, not the other way round”.

Westley kept quiet.

I turned to Roy and Oliver but their heads were done.

“So you know , why did you tell me?” I yelled.

Hannah tried to touch me but I shut her a glare that made her take a step back.

“It wasn’t in our position to tell you. Mason was the one that was to tell you.

He was going to tell you the night the both of you met. But before then his father has already threatened him that he should stay away from you”.

“Although the meeting was a coincidence, his father knew he’ll find a way to tell you.

So he had to make Mason get rid of you and he knew Mason’s care deeply about you. So he used you and his father meant everything he said”.

“Mason had no choice but to push you away “.

I stared at Westley as I was crying now.

I shouldn’t have said I hated him that day. If only I should have trusted deeply that mason loves me and he’ll never do anything to hurt me.

I felt so foolish.

Westley pulled me into a hug as I cried .

“Don’t blame yourself Avery, it’s not your fault. All we should do is think of a way of making that engagement happen”.

I pulled away from the hug as I used the back of my hand to wipe my tears away.

“But how”.

“I don’t know because Mason already has a lot on his shoulders. I’m sure he blames himself and there’s nothing he could do “.

“As you can see Mason has really changed. He seems different, he didn’t even let us see him when we went to his house”.

“Will think of a plan later but please stay strong and stop crying. If you can’t do it for us but it for Mason “.

He was right, I couldn’t be crying all the time. I needed to be strong for Mason.


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