Seeing mason again I felt my heart beat increase.

He looked different, his skin was pale as if he’s sick.

He looks like he lost some weight.

But his face didn’t hold any emotions at all.

He looks like he doesn’t have one .

He didn’t even spare me a glare at all and it broke me when u saw Arianna’s hand around him.

Hearing him inviting them for his engagement made tears slip from my eyes.

When he left they all turned to Arianna and gave her what she deserves.

She immediately left because she couldn’t bear it anymore.

“He looks different and I’m worried about Mason,” Westley said.

“Yeah, he lost some weight and did you notice his skin is pale?” Roy said.

“Not to mention that he looks so cold even to us. This is the first time I’ve seen Mason like this” Westley said.

“I guess that engagement made a big turn for him” .

“Avery are you alright?” Westley asked.

I gave them a fake smile before I stood up not wanting to hear about him again.

As I started to walk where my legs took me .

I saw Mason’s car coming towards me.

My heart was beating fast as I swear his eyes met mine.

And seeing him stare at me sends shivers down my spine.

He truly looks different.

He removed his eyes as he drove past me like I meant nothing to him.

I was hoping he would at least stop the car and step out of the car at least tell me his sorry.

Tears fell from my eyes.

It hurt me so much thinking I meant nothing to him.

“Well, well well, isn’t it the trash here”

I looked at Arianna looking at me with a smirk on her lips.

“I told you Mason will be mine and finally we are getting engaged so you better forget about him.

He doesn’t need a lowlife like you. Now everything is back to normal “.

It even made me cry more as I stared at Arianna.

A sad smile made my face.

“You finally got what you wanted now can you please leave me alone.

You really find joy in seeing people miserable.”

I choked on my tears as they came rushing down.

“You won, you finally won but just know you’re a ho..rrible person.

I hope you’re happy and I wish you and mason a happy life”.

With that I walked away as I started to cry.

It hurts even when I knew I was lying when I said I wish them a happy life.

I wish them nothing but them to be far from happiness.I know I’m selfish but I just want mason to myself.

I tried to forget him but it just makes me want him more . Now he hates me so much and wouldn’t look at me.

I cried so much but I got someone to pull me into a hug.

I just cried not looking at the person.

After I was done I looked up and saw it was Tyler.

I pushed him away but he held me.

“Avery I need…..

“Shut up Tyler and stay away from me”.

I turned around and walked past him but I stopped my track when I heard Tyler.

“Mason was forced to get married not because he didn’t love you at all”.

I turned around and looked at him.


“He was forced and it’s all because of me”.


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