I woke up with a massive headache. I checked the time on my phone and I was shocked to see it was 11:30 am.

So many missed calls from Avery.

I rushed out of bed into the bathroom. I quickly took my bath before putting on a blue jean and a white T shirt with a black sander.

I took my car keys but I noticed the house was empty.

I called out for Westley, Oliver and Roy but there was no reply.

As I was heading out I saw a piece of paper folded on the table.

I picked it and all it said was “going out with Avery and Hannah , check your phone you’ll see the address”.

I quickly checked my phone and saw the address and I hopped into my car and drove there.

Immediately I reached there I jumped out of the car and through the glass I saw Avery laughing and I couldn’t help but smile.

I kind of felt jealous because she was having fun without me.
I entered the restaurant and walked towards their table.

Immediately they sited me. Avery stood up and ran towards me hugging me, taking me by surprise.

But I quickly wrapped my hands around her

“Awwwwn” Westley and the rest said but Oliver just gave me a small smile.

I took my seat beside Avery.

“Dude, you slept for too long,” Roy said.

“I tried waking you up several times but you didn’t even wake up”. Westley said.

“I thought you were actually dead” Oliver said which ended with a laugh from everyone.

I looked at Westley and Hannah and I saw how close they are and I gave Westley a confused look.

“She’s now my girlfriend”

“Congrats” I said before turning my attention back to Avery

“I’m sorry I didn’t pick your call, I didn’t know” I said as I placed a quick kss on her forehead.

“You made me worried Mason”.

“I’m sorry” I quickly held her hand under the table and she smiled widely.

“Now that I and Hannah are dating, it remains Oliver and Roy, ” Westley said.

And Oliver had a sad smile on his face which we could all understand.

“I’m better off being a playboy,”Roy said.

“I can’t afford to be like you guys in love, it’s just not my thing”.

He got a smack from Hannah making everyone laugh.

“So Mason, when are you going to ask Avery out”. This time it was Hannah that talked.

The smile on my face was immediately wiped off.

I looked at Avery who had a smirk on her face.

There was silence as everyone was waiting for my reply.

I think Westley quickly noticed how uncomfortable I was and quickly changed the topic.

I quickly muttered a thank you and Roy, Westley and Oliver gave me a loo that I have some explaining to do.

We ordered some food and it was quite fun to watch how Roy was flirting with Hannah making Westley angry.

Oliver remained silent as he just watched but I could see that his mind wasn’t here.

I was lost In my own thoughts. One more day remaining.

I haven’t even told my brothers about it. A lot was running through my head last night, no wonder I slept till 11.

I sighed as Avery called my name.

I looked at her and I could see she had a worried look on her face.

I quickly gave her a small smile .

I stared at Hannah and Westley having the time of their life with no one to worry about.

Instead of sucking how miserable I was, why don’t I just make the remaining days I have with her memorable.

I grabbed Avery’s hand making her stand up.

“I’ll see you guys later , I’m taking her out”.

They all gave me a knowing smile.


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