As we began to eat Mason started a conversation.

“Avery, what do you want to achieve in life?”.

I stared at him then a smile came across my face.

This is the first time someone has asked me this question.

“I want to become one of the biggest known writers”.

“I know it’s ¢razy but writing is something I love doing. When I’m sad I just think of a story and begin to write. Same thing goes when I’m happy or stressed “.

He just nodded as I continued

“But that’s not all, I love writing but that’s not what I want to become in life “.

“Really ” Mason said looking surprised.

“Yes, most people think because I love writing I should be in Art class.”

“But I want to become a software engineer. But I’m diving into the aspect of AI (artificial intelligence)”

“Wow, that’s interesting “.

“I Know right, it’s gonna be awesome programming a robot and other amazing things”.

“I remember when I first built my first website I was over the moon that day”.

“I even told all my class teacher about it even the bus driver”

Mason laughed at the last statement.

“You’re amazing for a girl like you with a big dream. I love it”.

“Thank you”.

We fell into another silence but not an awkward one. We just enjoyed it.

After we finished eating we decided to take a walk around.

“Mason” I called.


“Wfay do you want to do it? I mean not what your parents want you to do.”

He stopped his track and then faced me.

He sighed as he looked at the water .

“I’ve always wanted to become a doctor. But my parents want me to study business so I can take over their company”.

“Then go for what you love”

“It’s easier said than done, Avery. Sometimes money isn’t happiness “.

I stared at him and I knew there’s a deeper meaning to what he just said.

“So what aspect do you want to study”.


“Wow, that’s the highest level of Doctor”

“Yes I know and it’s the most difficult. I just love that course”.

“I was inspired to do it when my cousin who I was closer to died of seizure last three years”.

“Ohh my God I’m so sorry”

“I’m fine but never gotten over it ”

I quickly changed the topic as we talked about other fun things and it was the best night of my life.



I looked at Mason as he stopped walking staring into my eyes

*Whatever happens just know you are the only one I love and will love forever “.

I looked at him strangely again because this is the second time he’s repeating this statement.

“Just know I love you with everything I have and my feelings for you were never a joke okay”.

I wanted to ask him why but I knew he didn’t want me to know but trust him.

I nodded my head and with that he kssed me so hard on the lips.

Come on, let’s head back .

Driving back was so much fun that when we were going and I found myself falling asleep.

I don’t know for how long I was out but I felt someone carry me in a bridal style.

I felt my body hit a soft surface and I knew It was a bed.

I felt someone’s lips on my forehead.

The last thing I heard before letting the darkness consume me was “you’re the best thing that has happened in my life. I love you”


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