“Clayton’s dad was arrested on the 10th of May 2021” Freddie said going through the old newspapers

“That was three day to the auspicious day of the congressional election, right?” Molly Moon asked.

“Yes” Freddie answered.

“Wait a minute, after Nicholas was arrested from smuggling drugs, Cathy’s dad became the congressman, right?”

“Cathy’s dad is the congressman?” Molly Moon asked.

“Why are you asking like you don’t know Molly Moon? Even when she bullied you back then, you already knew she’s the daughter of the congressman” Freddie said, and Molly Moon faked a smile because she knew she wasn’t Godiva who was bullied months ago.

“Speaking of Cathy’s dad, I find him suspicious now”

“How Dawson?” Freddie asked.

“Back then when the election was about taking place, everyone favored Nicholas instead of Cathy’s dad, but he was hated after drugs were found in his house, right? What if Cathy’s dad had Nicholas framed?”

“I have the same thought in mind Dawson, but we can’t bring up the case without an evidence that Cathy’s dad did it” Freddie said.

“So what should we do? Thanks to me Clayton is in prison”

“I will find a way and the only way is to follow Cathy’s dad” Dawson said.

“Will you be okay doing so?”

“Don’t worry about me Freddie, I will be fine. Molly Moon you shouldn’t be part of this”

“Why not Dawson? Clayton is in this mess because of me, I have to be involved in this”

“You’re Clayton’s girlfriend and he asked me to take care of you, so I want you to be save”

“I will be fine Dawson. I’m sure Cathy’s dad is not bad like we think, right?”

“All politicians aren’t nice, Moon” Hayden said entering the lounge, and Molly Moon stood up to her feet when she saw the bruises on his face.

“How did you get in here?” Freddie asked.

“What happened to you?” Molly Moon asked, touching his face.

“Just like you told everyone, my dad beat me up”

“Why will he hit his son to this extent? Does he want to kll you?” Dawson asked.

“He is not human and because of what Moon did, he is searching for her”

“Your dad is looking for me?” Molly Moon asked.

“Yes, he furious at you because his gambling den was invaded thanks to you.

I understand if you chose to take revenge on me because of what I did to you before, but my dad won’t spare you Molly Moon. I followed you from the hospital just to tell you this”

“What should we do? Clayton will run mad if something bad happens to Molly Moon” Freddie said.

“I know that and that’s why I came up with a plan. The only thing that can stop my dad is the law. He wants to kll Moon, and I will lure him to Moon”

“Are you ¢razy? You want your dad to kll her!”


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