Everest took the phone from her, but he threw it away when he saw Molly Moon’s picture, because he thinks it’s Godiva.

“What’s wrong Dad”

“How do you know her?”

“She is the Molly Moon I have been talking about, please do

“Don’t involve yourself in anything that has to do with Godiva. She is dangerous, you should leave”

“But Dad….”

“Leave!!!” He shouted at her.

“I’m going to find a way to help the boy I love!!!” Cathy said and ran out of her dad’s room crying.

“Godiva was Molly Moon all these why? She even send the son of Nicholas to prison.

No one must know I paid her to frame Nicholas for smuggling drugs, just so I can have the position of the congressman” Everest said and takes his phone to call someone.



Clayton’s whole body was hot and he was shivering at the same time. His elbow was making him sick because it was hurting a lot, and with everything that has happened today is enough to make him sick.

Some group of boys who were inside the prison with him walked up to him.

“You are a student of crescent college, right? I heard they are beautiful girls in your school, is that true?” One of them asked, but Clayton couldn’t answer him because he was shivering and at the same time in pain.

“You are the son of a criminal, so you should answer when you’re being asked a question” One of them said and kcked him.

Clayton fell to the ground with his injured elbow, thereby dislocating it the more. He screamed in pain, but they didn’t feel pity for him, they continued pvnching on him like he was a pvnching bag, not caring about his injured elbow and bruises

“You are a criminal’s son, so act like one” Another hoodlum said hits his head so hard on the wall.

Clayton fell back to the ground, bleeding from his head. He became very weak and the only word that came out from his mouth before he passed out was Molly.


Molly Moon rushed inside the hospital with tears in her eyes. She had called one of the cop to inquire from him how Clayton was doing, only for her to hear he was admitted in the hospital few hours after he was arrested.

She hurriedly entered Clayton’s ward, and she broke into tears when she saw the state he was in.

His head and elbow was bandaged and he had lot of bruises on his face.

“Clayton!” Molly Moon called his name crying as she walked closer to him. He was unconscious.

“Why did they have to hurt you this way? I didn’t know the thugs in prison will beat up just few hours after you were arrested.

I didn’t mean to $tab you in the back Clayton, I was just so angry.

Seeing you in this condition breaks my heart. I shouldn’t have done what I did, I was just occupied by anger” She said, resting her head on his chest.

“You once ask me if I love you, right? I love you Clayton. I love so much.

All I said in school was a lie, I really love you, please wake up, it hurts seeing you unconscious.

Your Molly is crying please wake up and kiss her lips” Molly Moon said crying with head still in his head.

“I can’t kss you if you in this position, Molly” He said in a low voice, and Molly Moon quickly raised her head from his chest to look at him.

Clayton struggled to sit up on the bed and he slowly began to clean her tears.

“Stop crying Molly. It hurts when I see your tears”

Molly Moon pouted and hugged him. “Don’t forgive me for what I did. You can resent me if you want to. I deserve it” She said, hugging him.

“Do you love me?” He asked.

“I love you, Clayton. I’m sorry for….”

“Those three words are the only thing I want to hear” Clayton said and crashed his lips on hers.

Molly Moon smiled into the kss and without hesitation, she responded to the kss.

Her hand slowly went to Clayton’s injured elbow during the kss, and he winced in pain, breaking the kss.

“I’m sorry Clayton. Does it hurt”

“Your lips is going to heal me, let’s continuing kssing” He said with a smiling face and kssed her again.


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