Clayton looked at Dawson, he wanted to tell him about his real identity, but he couldn’t do it.

“Why are you looking at me like that Clayton? Do you have something to say?” Dawson asked, and Clayton shakes his head.

“Thank you Dawson for everything”

“Keep thanking me Clayton. I know you have a lot of secrets you don’t want to spill, but I won’t force you to tell me. I understand you perfectly”

“I will tell you everything at the right time”

“Sure I will be waiting, just don’t take too long”

Clayton smiled and Cathy entered the lounge. She screamed when she saw Clayton’s bandage elbow.

“What happened to you, Clayton?”

What are you doing here, Cathy? I called it quit already”

“I don’t care just tell me why you are on bandage? Did you get into an accident?” She asked, almost crying. She indeed love Clayton a lot.

“Yes I did, but it’s nothing for you to worry about” Clayton said and leaves the lounge.

Cathy tried to go after him, but Dawson stopped her. “Give him a breathing space, Cathy. It’s obvious he doesn’t like you”

“I know you’re Clayton’s best friend, but you have no right to speak in his absence” She said, sniffing.

“Just a piece of an advice, a guy won’t love you just because you threw yourself at him.

I’m telling you this just in case you meet someone else in the future” He smiled at her and leaves the lounge.

Cathy clenched her fist, angrily.


Alyssa kept walking around the apartment with open eyes. The apartment was huge and beautiful. It was really an expensive apartment.

“Do you want any changes? I can tell the interior designer to fixed it to your taste”

“This is too much, Freddie. I can’t accept it?”


“Because I won’t be able to pay you back”

“I didn’t ask you to pay me back, Hannah. I’m doing this because I want you to be safe”

“Why are you helping me? I thought you were just a guy who cares about his face alone? You don’t seem to be that guy anymore”

“Because you change me, Hannah”

“I changed you? How?” She asked, making a puzzle face.

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to tell me” Freddie said, changing the topic on purpose.

“Freddie I…”

“Don’t think about rejecting my help, because I won’t take No for an answer” He said and Alyssa smiled.

“I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much Freddie. I didn’t know you could act mature sometimes”

“I do act mature when I want to be” He said, tucking his hand on his pocket and Alyssa smiled.

“I kind of miss your cute childish attitude” She said and Freddie walked closer to her, and she gulped.

“I can be both, if you want me to” He whispered to her, and Alyssa stared at him.

“Should I return to my childish behavior or should I act mature?” He asked in a whisper, with his lips closer to hers.

Freddie smiled when he heard her heart beating rapidly, and he moved away from her.

“You’re a good cook, right?” He asked and Alyssa nodded her head, trying to calm her heart that was still beating.

“Can you make an homemade meal. I’m famished” He said, cutely and Alyssa smiled.

“Sure I will. Don’t go anywhere ok”

“Okay” He said doing the okay sign and she chuckled.


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