Molly Moon keeps sighing as she looked at Clayton waiting for him to wake up.

He has been unconscious for some hours, even when the doctor said he was fine. His nanny was here earlier and had gone home to prepare his meal.

“How is he?” Dawson asked, entering the ward with Freddie.

Molly Moon stood up from the chair and looked at them.

“He hasn’t woken up yet, and it’s getting me worried” Molly Moon said.

“Will he be able to walk?” Freddie asked looking at his swollen foot and injured leg.

Molly Moon sighed and looked at Clayton.

“His foot got twisted during the fall, so it’d be hard for him to walk around with it”

“Why on earth did he partake in the football game when he was injured”

“I know why he did that, but it’s Hayden whom should be blamed”

“Why are you getting Hayden involved?” Molly Moon asked.

“Because he intentionally brushed off Clayton’s feet from the ground, pretending he wanted to take the ball from him” Dawson said.

“You’re mistaken, Dawson. Hayden isn’t that kind of person. I know he and Clayton aren’t good friends, but he won’t deliberately hurt anyone” Molly Moon said, defending Hayden.

“Don’t define him Molly Moon. I know what I saw. Hayden did it on purpose”

“I am going to ask Hayden” Molly Moon said.

“It’s not like he is going to tell you the truth anyways” Dawson said and went closer to Clayton.

“Look after Clayton. I will be back” Molly Moon said and leaves.

“Are you alright?” Freddie asked.

“Why do you ask?” Dawson said, returning his question with a question.

“Your face is filled with worries and sadness. I know you’re worried about Clayton, but what are you sad about?”

Dawson remembered Ava’s words and sighed. He planned to talk to Ava after he make sure Clayton has woken up.

“It’s a matter of the heart”

“Matter of the heart? What does that mean?” Freddie asked.

“You won’t even understand if I tell you, so don’t ask”

“If you say so. Back to Clayton, since when did he start playing football with an injured leg? The Clayton I know is always conscious about his wellbeing”

Dawson looked at the sleeping Clayton and smiled lightly.

“He was trying to impress Molly Moon. He got jealous because Molly Moon was cheering for Hayden”

“Was that why he went to the field? Just to get cheered? Clayton is changing a lot”

“I told you before right? That he loves her without realizing it. Molly Moon is his first love since our friend here has never loved someone before.

He is slow witted and that’s why he doesn’t know what he truly feels”

“How do you know you love someone? I’m just asking not that I’m going to fall in love with anyone. I’m married to my face”

“Well, your heart suddenly develops a beat. The world stops all over a sudden and the only person you see is her, flashing a smile at you.

You don’t see anyone but her in that world, that’s when you know you love her”

“I thought you are a lover of thriller books, so why are you acting as if we’re in a romance book? Geez to hell with love.

It brings nothing but confusion” Freddie said and his phone chimed.

He checked his phone and it was from his mom.

“She really knows how to cut my day short” Freddie muttered and looked at Dawson.

“I will be going home, Dawson. My mom needs me at home. Keep me posted if lover boy wakes up” Freddie said and leaves.

Dawson looked at Clayton and he sighed before covering him with the duvet.


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