Cathy began treating his leg, and all the while she was doing so, Clayton’s mind was occupied with the thought of Molly Moon.

All he kept asking himself was why she didn’t go to him like she said she would.

“You shouldn’t have save Molly Moon, Clayton. If you didn’t save her, she’d be the one going through this pain and not you” Cathy said as she bandaged Clayton’s leg.

“How did you know about it? I didn’t tell you about saving Molly Moon” Clayton asked, looking at her suspiciously.

Cathy laughed out her nervousness and said. “I heard it from the students in school. It’s unlike you to save her Clayton, don’t do it again”

“Don’t tell me what to do Cathy. You’re not my girlfriend” He said.

Cathy felt hurt about what he said, but she managed to put up a smile. She moved to his face when she was done treating his leg, and while she was at it, she tried kssing Clayton, but Clayton resisted.

“What are you trying to do?” He asked and Cathy smiled seductively.

“It’s been long we had sx. How about I give it to you like you always want it” Cathy said and bites her lower lip.

She lean to kiss Clayton again, but Clayton resisted.

“I’m not in the mood”

“Since when Clayton? You have never refused to fk” Cathy said with a surprise look on her face.

The Clayton she knows will never refuse to have sx with her. He is a sx maniac who is always sugarcoated just to have her whenever or however he wants, and it got her wondering why he is resisting her.

“People change, Cathy” He said.

“What are you trying to say, Clayton?”

“Let’s end this shit, Cathy. I’m not your boyfriend so we should stop having sx with each other” He said, but Cathy shakes her head.

“It doesn’t matter Clayton, what matters is that I love you” She said, trying to kss him again, but instead of resisting, Clayton pushed her away, she landed on the floor.

“I don’t want to this anymore, Cathy! Why are you being stubborn?”

“Because this isn’t the Clayton I know! I have accepted the fact that I can’t be your girlfriend, but we can’t stop what we have started Clayton. You took my virginity!” Cathy said, sobbing.

“Don’t act so pitiful, Cathy. You willing gave yourself to me because you were head over heels for me. I don’t want to f**k around anymore, so this should end”

“Is it because of Molly Moon?”


“A guy only change his naughty ways when he’s in love. Are you in love with Molly Moon? Is that why you’re changing your ways? Answer me, Clayton!!!” Cathy yelled at him.

“I don’t know!!!” Clayton yelled back at her.

“Don’t forget so easily who Molly Moon is, Clayton. She used to be the girl who loath so much, so why are you acting this way because of her!”

“Get out” Clayton said, calmly.

“Is this what I get after I saved you?” Cathy asked, heartbreakingly.

“I didn’t ask you to save me Cathy. If you haven’t done that, maybe she’d have come to me. So leave while I’m still being nice” Clayton said.

Cathy knows what Clayton is capable of doing, so with tears falling down from her eyes, she picked up her bag and looked at Clayton who wasn’t even looking at her.

“Just so you know, this new behavior of yours doesn’t suit you” She said and walked out of the lounge.

Clayton sighed and lay down on the couch with his eyes looking at the chandelier.

“Did something happen to her? She promised me she’d come” Clayton muttered.

He took his phone and dialed Molly Moon’s number, but it wasn’t connecting.

After so many attempts, he gave up and drop his phone.

“I hope she’s okay” He muttered with a worried voice.

Few minutes later, he slept off on the couch.


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