Ava looked for her notebook and when she saw it on the table, she quickly went there and wrote on it, and after she was done, she gave it to Dawson.

📝 I’d have gone back home, but I was waiting for you

“Me? Did you need something from me?”

Ava shakes her head and wrote on her notebook.

📝 Not really. I’m just curious about something, and I was hoping you will tell me the truth

“Go on Ava, I promise to tell you the truth” Dawson said raising his left hand up and putting his right hand on his chest as if he was inside the courtroom.

Ava smiled and wrote on her notebook.

📝 Do you like Molly Moon?

Dawson read her notebook and looked at her, but Ava looked somewhere else. Obviously embarrassed by her own question.

“Is this your question?” He asked with a smile, and she nod.

“Well I like Molly Moon, but not in the way that you think. She’s my friend and you don’t expect me to hate her right?”

Ava smiled and nod her head.

“Do you have another question to ask me? I’m ready to answer all of it” Dawson said, placing his hands on Ava’s shoulder.

Ava looked at him and shake her head. She had a smile on her face, because of the answer Dawson gave to her.

It means she had nothing to worry. She was ready to give up on her crush if he had told her he likes Molly Moon romantically.

“Let’s eat out Ava. It’s going to be on me”

📝 I’m not hungry

Ava writes on her notebook, but just after Dawson read her notebook, her stomach started making $illy noise, and she held her stomach.

She took in her lip, feeling embarrassed.

Dawson smiled and held her hand. “Don’t deprive your stomach the chance of eating, Ava. I want to eat out with you because I love spending time with you” He said and winked at her.

Ava smiled cutely, before going with him.


Clayton slowly opened his eyes and discovered he was in his lounge.

“How did I get here?” He muttered.

He tried sitting upright on the couch, but his injured leg hurts hellishly and he winced.

“Don’t over do it, Clayton” Cathy said, entering the lounge with a plastic nylon bag.

Clayton looked at her.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I should be the one asking you what you were doing at the roadside, unconscious”


“Yes Clayton. I was on my way home when I saw you unconscious at the roadside. I didn’t know where you live, so I had to bring you here.

What happened to you Clayton? You have bruises all over your face” Cathy said, worriedly.

“I thought she’d come” He muttered.


“It’s none of your business” Clayton said, as he struggled to stand to his feet.

“Where are you going Clayton? Your leg and face needs treatment”

“I will be fine, Cathy” He tried walking, but his injured leg betrayed him by causing him pain.

He yelps and falls back on the couch, Cathy rushed to him immediately.

“I told you that you need to treat your leg that’s the only way the pain is going to subside. Allow me to help you if you want to be walk properly again” Cathy said.

Clayton didn’t utter a word and rest his head on the headrest.


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