Molly Moon had an angry look on her face as she looked at both Hayden and Clayton’s pictures in her phone. She was in Cathy’s practice room.

“Wait till I make you both pay for everything you have done. And as for Cathy, I’m going to use Clayton to make her suffer.

Be ready to taste my vergence” She said, and the door of the practice room opened, and Cathy entered with her friends.

“What the heck are you doing here? No one is allowed to enter here apart from I and my friends!” Cathy said, and Molly Moon smiled lightly.

“I was waiting for you to come here, what took you so long? Anyways I already bought this place, so it’s mine now”

“What! My dad rented it for me!”

“It’s a good thing you said rented, which means it can easily be bought by someone with lots and lots of cash in her pocket” Molly Moon said.

Lydia and Charlotte looked at her in dismay, because the Molly Moon they knew don’t speak back anytime anyone in school was talking to her. In fact no one knew her voice because she hardly talk.

“Hey, Molly Moon!!! Do you think because you had surgery to look beautiful, gives you the right to talk to me.

You’re still that unattractive girl from the slumps” Cathy said, trying to slap Molly Moon, but she caught her (Cathy) before it could land on her face.

“Just because I allowed you to treat me like trash before, doesn’t mean I will allow you to do it again. I am not that Molly Moon, you can mess with” Molly Moon said with a cold look on her face.

“Let go of me! Let me go!!!” Cathy shouted, trying to break free from Molly Moon’s grip, but Molly Moon held her tightly.

“You’re good at bvllying me, right? Well I’d be the one to bvlly you today” Molly Moon said and sI.aps Cathy so hard on the face.

Cathy fell and hits her head on the chair, and both Charlotte and Lydia gasped in shock.

“How dare you raise your slumps hand at me!” Cathy barked, trying to get up, but Molly Moon pushed her to the ground again, and slaps her.

“Remember this?” Molly asked, showing her a bottle of rotten eggs.

“What did heck are you trying to do?” Cathy asked, and Molly Moon smirked.

“You said goodbye to me with rotten eggs on my head, right? How about I do the same thing to you as welcome back to school?” Molly Moon said with a creepy smile and she looked at Charlotte and Lydia who were still shocked about Molly Moon’s behavior.

“Hold her” Molly Moon said in a cold voice.

“Huh!” Charlotte and Lydia exclaimed at the same time.

“If you don’t hold her right this instance, you two will be the ones drinking this bottle of rotten eggs” She said with a deadly look on her face.

“One, two, three… ”

Lydia and Charlotte quickly rushed to Cathy who was still on the floor and held her.

“What the heck are you two doing? Let go of me!!!” Cathy screamed.

“Have a nice breakfast, Cathy Ramirez” Molly Moon said, and poured the bottle of rotten eggs inside Cathy’s mouth.


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