“Dad, Mom, meet my boyfriend, Miguel Aniston, but his known as Clayton. He is so cute, right? But don’t judge him by his cute looks, he is very bad, so bad” She said and Clayton laughed.

“How am I bad?” He asks with a smile with his dimples making him more cute.

“Are you seriously asking me that? You almost send me to my early grave when I gave myself to….” Molly Moon stopped halfway because Clayton covered her mouth.

“Do you want your parents to kill me?” He asked like a child and Molly Moon laughed.

“Don’t kll him, even if he has lots of naughty stuff in his head, he is still the best boyfriend one could wish to have. He never for once resented me even when I caused him so much pain. He loves me a lot”

“She is right, I love her a lot. This isn’t I fell first and she fell harder, cuz I fell first and I fell harder.

I love her more than she loves me, and I’m going to continue loving her until I breath my last. You don’t have to worry about her, cuz she is saved with me”

“Yeah, I am save with me, except in bed”

“Molly!” He whines and Molly Moon laughs.

“I was just saying the truth” She said with a smile and Clayton wrapped his hand around her waist.

“Will you go back to Chile with me? You already have a life there”

“Blake promised to take care of the things here in Greece, so yes I will be going back to Chile with you, but don’t kill me when I go back with you” She said and Clayton laughed.

“I won’t” He said and Molly Moon hugged him.

“Thanks for everything”

“I didn’t do anything Molly. I should be the one thanking you for loving me”

Molly smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips, and he chuckled.

“What about Hayden?” She asked.

“Hayden? That little brother of mine have been in his own world” Clayton answered and Molly Moon looked at him.



Hayden let out a smile as he arrived in the psychiatric hospital. He has been coming to the hospital to see her and thankfully he doesn’t hate her for what she did.

“Tada! I brought you strawberries. I was told by the doctor that you recently developed a love for strawberries. Do you want some?” He asked, smiling.

His mom looked at him and nod her head. He gave one to her, and after she ate it, she smiled at him.

“Do you love it?”

She nod her head and hugged him. “Thank you” She said.

Hayden smiled and hugged her back. Even though she is yet to recover her sanity or her memories, he is glad she is getting close to him, which means he will be able to feel his mom’s love for him.

“It’s time for her medicine” A nurse said entering the ward, and Hayden’s eyes widen when he saw her face.


“Hayden? What are you doing here?” She asked, and Hayden stared at her.


“Who would have thought that a drunkard is a nurse here in this psychiatric hospital?” He asked.

“I am not a drunkard. I was just having a bad day when we met” Alexa said, and Hayden chuckled.

“Have you been working here? This is my first time seeing you here”

“I recently started working here, and I was assigned to your mom. She’s l a hardheaded person like you” Alexa said and Hayden laughed.

“Hardheaded? Why will you think I am hardheaded?” He asked, smiling.

“I just assume you are. Your outfits tells it all”

“I’m not! I just like being on baddie outfits”

“Well I will see if it’s true. I have to go in now, aside from your mom, I have other patients assigned to me”


“See you around, Hayden” Alexa said, walking towards to the entrance of the building.

“Alexa” He called her and she turned to look at him.

“Will you go on a date with me?”

“Date?” She asked.

“You said if we meet again it’s fate, remember?”

Alexa looked at him and smiled.


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