The phone was no longer ringing out, but as she placed her pen on the notebooks to continue writing, she just couldn’t focus, her mind would not stop disturbing her.

Deep down, she really wanted to know why Chris was calling her in the middle of class. He cannot just be calling her for nothing, there must be a reason for that.

She decided to return his call and see why he was calling. There’s no harm in trying anyway.

She sighed as she picked up her phone, and wanted to give him a call when a message popped up on her screen.

💬”Ivy we’re having test today, and we’re almost done. Please come down here immediately” the message read.

And immediately Ivy saw that text from Chris, her eyes went wide with shock.

The test was today! How come nobody informed her?

Oh my! That was what Chris have been calling her about, how could she have been so stvpid. The subject is an important one, and she wouldn’t wanna miss it for anything at all.

She packed up all the notebooks into her bag pack, flung the her bag pack over her shoulders, and quickly dashed out of the library.

She kept praying as she walked away that God have mercy on her, coz she doesn’t wanna miss the test at all.


Chris was seated at the back of the class with Canice as usual. The teacher was teaching, but he payed no attention on what they were doing, he was busy with his phone.

And so was majority of the students also. Many of them payed not attention at all, they were busy with one thing or the other. And it was like the teacher was talking to himself.

Seeing this, the teacher got really angry, and he called for an unexpected test.

The test they all thought was gonna be next week, they were suddenly gonna write it out of the blue.

It is gonna really get to them, coz it’s a zero for those students who did not have time to study, and also for those who were absent from school that very day.

He also mentioned that this would be a plus to the students that studies ahead.

Chris was not bothered at all, even though he did not study. Canice was there for him, and he is surely gonna help him out.



They started the test, and have already gone half way when Canice suddenly started laughing.

Chris looked at him in an awkward way, and couldn’t help but ask what the matter was. He was laughing like a lunatic.

“Hey what is it man? Why’re your suddenly laughing like and insane person” Chris questioned in a gruffly tone, coz the whole thing was beginning to irritate him already.

“Queen Ivy is not gonna participate in today’s test. That’s a minus to our intelligent Ivy, and a plus to me” Canice said sarcastically, with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

And immediately, it struck Chris real hard.

Ivy’s not in class for the test, and he’s pretty sure she’s in school. She would probably be in the library, copying those notes.

Quickly, he took his phone and started dialing Ivy’s number, but Ivy refused to pick up the call.

He wondered what it was that he has done to Ivy, that is making her avoid his calls. He also called her last night, and she refused to pick the call also.

But as for now, she has to pick up coz this is really important. He has seen how much Ivy loves her studies, so missing this test would not make her happy at all.

Canice noticed how tensed Chris became immediately he mentioned Ivy’s name.

He asked Chris what the problem was, but Chris lied to him that it was nothing, but he did not believe. Hmm, strange!


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