Ivy on the other hand ran to the school garden, immediately after the meeting with the C4’s. She dropped her bag pack beside her, and bursted into tears.

She hates the C4’s so much right now, she doesn’t even care anymore if she gets expelled.

Coz this is how she’s gonna be loosing marks if this continues, so what’s the need of school then?

She sat on the floor and folded her legs up to her kneel, she rested her head on her kneel and sobbed quietly.

She ran to the garden coz she needed a quiet place with no disturbance, she just wanted to cry her eyes out.

She continued sobbing when suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. She quickly lifted her head, and turned around in order to see the person.

She wondered what this person would be doing in the garden now. She turned back only to find Chris looking down at her.

What the………what the hell is he doing here?

“Are you stalking me! What do you want Chris?” Ivy snarled.

“Hey calm down Ivy” he cooed moving closer to her.

“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down, you wicked set of boys are the cause of all this.

For the fist time in my life, I failed a subject and my name was pasted wrongly. All thanks to your useless……..

“Look Ivy I really care about you, that was why I called you to come for the test” Chris said cutting her short.

“What difference did it make, what difference did it make Huh?” Ivy said raising her voice.

“If you had picked up my call the very first time I called you, it wouldn’t have gotten to this” Chris said.

“And why would I be absent from class in the first place, why was I absent?” She asked not expecting an answer tho, and Chris kept mopping at her.

“I’ll tell you. It was because I was busy with things that doesn’t belong to me.

They belonged to your so called brothers, and they gave me that punishment out of their own wickedness” Ivy cried out.

“But I didn’t give you my own notebooks, did I?” Chris defended.

“You’re no different from them Chris, you’re no different. In fact you’re even worse!” She spat and Chris’s eyes widened.

“Yes! You abused me physically, you assaulted me Chris, and that is something your co members have not even done, but you did it Chris. So give me a reason why I would want to be your friend?” Ivy barked.

“I have changed Ivy, I have really changed. Concerning that fact, I sincerely apologize, and I am regretting my actions already” Chris apologized sincerely.

“Well Chris, have you ever seen anyone that wants to be friends with the devil?” Ivy asked


“You heard me Chris! You are worse than the devil, and I never wanna have anything to do with you. I don’t wanna be friends with someone as cunning as you are” Ivy spat and stood on her feet.

She grabbed her bag packed from the floor and dashed out of the garden, while Chris just watched speechlessly.


Castillo got into his room and bounced on his bed in anger.

A maid came in and dropped his bag pack for him. Seeing the kind of face he was making, she dared not ask him what he wants to eat, coz she still loved her life. And so she quickly went away.

Castillo was feeling so angry. How dare Chris! He could not even understand what Chris was turning into.

That Ivy girl has surrendered herself to expulsion, meaning she’s off the hook of the C4’s, and now Chris would seem like the saint among them.

He could not believe she had the mind to say all she said today, just because of an ordinary test.

This only means she’s interested in her education so much, and she must be really intelligent to win a scholarship into Crestfield.

This is the main reason Canice hated her so much, she’s a real competition and threat to his position in that class.

Castillo laid on the bed and exhaled deeply.

Chris really annoyed him, he made Ivy free herself off their grip. And he must confess, he really enjoys to.rturing her little self.





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