Ivy was present in school that day, but she did not attend any classes.

After pathing ways with Alvin, she went straight to the library. She got a table at a quiet corner, and quickly sat down.

She brought out the notebooks and her cell phone, and in no time she got to work, and began writing.


Meanwhile, Leo on the other hand was worried, he hasn’t seen Ivy since this week. He had asked Alvin, and Alvin told him that Ivy was in school yesterday, but he could not find her.

He did not even set his eyes on her throughout yesterday, and Courtney who would have given him a clue was absent from school yesterday.

During lunch break, he went to their usual spot where they normally sat, but it was empty.

He even went to the cafeteria yesterday, despite knowing how much Ivy hated going there. And as expected, he could not find her there.

He did not give up as he went to her classroom, but still couldn’t find her, so he assumed she was absent. But he suddenly thought that she might be with the C4’s.

So when he asked Alvin, and Alvin told him that Ivy was in school that day, it confirmed his suspicions.

And today again, she did not attend any class. He also asked Alvin about Ivy immediately he saw him, and he told him she had left for class.

Alvin had no idea what his sister was going through. Even after he found out she was being tormented by the C4’s, he was still clueless on how she was being treated now.

And Ivy likes to hide every single thing going on with her, so Alvin assumed she was okay. And that was bad on his path.

This was the main reason Leo found Alvin really annoying, and he did not like him. He felt Alvin was unconcerned about his sister, and cared more about his girlfriend.


Courtney was present in school today. She had really missed Ivy, but it was somehow strange that she did not set her eyes on Ivy that morning. But she shrugged the thought off, she’s gonna see her later anyway.

After their morning classes, during lunch break, Courtney went to their normal spot but couldn’t find Ivy. And then she thought she’s gone to be with the C4’s already.

But her bag pack wasn’t in the class, and that was so unlike her. When going to see the C4’s, she normally keeps her bag close to her seat, and so Courtney would pick it whenever she stayed too long. Why did she take her bag along today??

Her seat mate was seated there, focused on her phone, and paying no attention to Courtney. So Courtney decided to ask her a few questions, coz she seemed not to care at all.

“Hey” Courtney called as she tapped her gently, but she did not respond at all. It was clear she was feeling it, but she chose to ignore.

Courtney knew this but continued tapping her, she wanted to get answers from her. And as Courtney continued taping her, soon she fled up.

“What!” She screamed.

“Your friend has not been in class the whole of today. In fact, I haven’t set my eyes on her for a while now” Wendy growled, and then quickly returned to what she was doing.

She knew the reason why Courtney wanted to talk to her, so she quickly answered her questions, even before Courtney asked.

Courtney was not surprised, she always knew this blonde people had no character at all, they are all mannerless. But this Wendy girl is the worst of all.

Courtney glanced at her and scoffed, before walking away.

As she walked out of the class, slowly she began reminiscing on what Wendy just said. Ivy have not been in class the whole day, that means she’s not in school.

But why did Ivy not call to inform that she would not be in school. Ivy is beginning to act strange these days.


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