Then she suddenly remembered that Dominic came to take her digits.

But he said the C4’s! Does that mean everyone of them is gonna give her a call, and it just had to start with Chris.

God alone knows what they want from her. Is it not enough stress already that they are tormenting her in school, why would they have to bring it home again.

📲”Hey, are you there?” Chris asked after waiting for quite some time, without Ivy saying anything.

📱“Yeah, yes” she answered quickly.

But she noticed something was awkward about him. His deep and harsh baritone voice had softened, and now he’s speaking just like a gentleman. His voice sounds calm.

📲”I know you must be really surprised that I called you” he started, and Ivy nodded. But she still didn’t say anything.

Surprise was an understatement to what she was feeling. Why is Chris sounding so nice to her, isn’t it enough surprise that he called her.

📲”Ehmm Ivy, are you busy?” He asked lowly.

📱”Yeah, kind of” she said and wanted to end the call coz she was feeling awkward already.

Why on earth would Chris be nice to her, if she ever expected this from any of them, it would be Collins. Chris is the last, even Castillo was better off.

📲”Okay no problem if you say so” Chris said calmly.

📲”But I would like to ask a little favour from you before you hang up” he added.

📱”Okay, go on” Ivy said slowly.

📲”Can I see you at school tomorrow, I have something to say to you” he said in a pleading tone.

And this made Ivy so confused.

What does he mean by he wants to see her in school tomorrow. They meet everyday in school, and they’ve already given her loads of notes to copy.

Or did they suddenly change their mind, coz they promised they would let her be for this two days.

No! She had so many notebooks to copy, and she has to voice it out, she can’t take this.

📱“Thought you guys said I was free for the next 48 hours?” Ivy said, pain written all over her voice.

📲“I know. It is I who wants to see you, and not the guys”

📱”Huh!” Ivy huffed.

📲”Look Ivy, I personally wanna see you, and I promise not to take much of your time” he assured, and Ivy went speechless immediately.

So Chris alone wants to see her, but why?

📲”Are you there?” He asked, coz Ivy was taking too much time to answer.

📱”Yeah, sure sure” she said.

📱”But where would we meet?” She asked innocently.

📲”Oh, let’s meet at the school garden, be there by lunch break, you’ll meet me there. Okay?”

📱”Okay” she answered slowly.

📲”Thank you. And one more thing! Make sure you come alone” he added, and Ivy hesitated before giving a reply.

📱”Oh…okay” she breathed.

📲”Yeah goodbye, see you in school tomorrow” he said and quickly hung up.

Ivy dropped the phone beside her and began reminiscing on what just happened right now.

Did she just get a call from Chris right now? And he wants to personally meet her tomorrow. This is so strange.

She cannot even believe herself up until now. What on earth does he want to say to her??


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