Ivy looked at him and exhaled deeply before bringing out a pen and a note pad from her bag pack.

She have no other option, she has to do whatever it is they ask.

She shrugged, and quickly scribbled down her digits on the notepad, and then she sighed before tearing out the particular page which she wrote the digits, and handed it to Dominic, and immediately he left.

She watched him leave, and she felt she was doomed now.


Immediately Ivy got home, she went straight to her room and locked herself up.

She was called to have lunch, but she told them she was okay. Her mom was so worried about her, but her father asked her to let Ivy be.

Alvin also wanted to know what was going on with her, but he just decided to let her be. He knew the C4’s are absolutely behind Ivy’s sudden turn to a sadist.

And there’s nothing he can do about it, it seems like it is what Ivy wants too. She’s too stubborn, he just pray she gets through it.



Ivy was seated on the floor of her room, with so many books surrounding her. She was surfing through the internet on her phone, and was trying to update the notebooks.

She really needed to cover a large area since she had just today and tomorrow to be done with the notes, this is gonna be so stressful.

Ivy was busy with the notes for hours as she copied and copied.

After so many hours, Ivy was really exhausted and so she slept off in the middle of the notebooks.

Some minutes later, as Ivy was beginning to go deep into her sleep, the loud ring from her phone brought her back to real life.

She quickly jolted up, and started searching for her phone with wide eyes.

She finally found the phone beside her, she has been using the phone to browse the internet before she slept off.

She looked at her phone screen to see and unknown number calling.

She yawned loudly and stretched up her body. The ringing was almost coming to an end when she quickly took her phone and picked up the call.

She wondered who was calling her with an unknown number, she gets this unknown number calls on rare occasions.

When Ivy picked up the call, the caller was silent, and refused to say a word. And so Ivy also kept quiet, she don’t wanted to speak first, seeing it’s an unknown number.

After few minutes of silence without neither Ivy or the caller saying anything, Ivy was about ending the call, when the person finally spoke up.

“Hello!” She heard a very familiar voice. Obviously the person was a male, but she couldn’t seem to fathom who the person was.

📲“Hello” the voice came again, when he did not get a response from Ivy. And this time Ivy quickly responded.

📱“He….hello” she stuttered.

📲“I’m I speaking with Ivy crownway” the caller asked, and Ivy nodded as if he could see her.

📱”Yes, yes” Ivy quickly answered when she realized she was being stupid.

📲”Do you know who’s speaking?” The caller asked, and she shook her head.

📱”No, I don’t” she answered.

📲”Well, I’m Chris” he said, and Ivy was dumbstruck immediately. She doesn’t wanna believe it was the Chris she is thinking.

Chris smiled. He expected this from her, she’s suddenly gone dumb.

📱“Ple.a…se, is it C….hris of the C4’s?” She stuttered.

📲”Yes it is” he replied plainly, and Ivy pursed her lips.

What the fk! Why would Chris be calling her, for what reason? How did her even get her digits? She thought.


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