“Chris start explaining the meaning of all you did here today” Castillo said immediately Ivy left the place, relaxing well on his chair.

“What did I do? I don’t need to explain anything” Chris said and Castillo threw him a glare.

“I simply refused to give her my notebooks, because I do not want her to touch them” Chris lied.

“But you can touch her right?” Castillo asked, and Chris passed him a puzzled look.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“She was about to fall and you saved her right? Hero” Castillo mocked sarcastically.

“Yeah, you saved her from falling” Canice added, and Chris went speechless immediately. And then, all eyes went to him.

“What? Well I just did it, didn’t you all see I left her to fall later on” he defended, and they just kept on looking at him without saying anything.

“It’s fine. Do not say anything anymore” Castillo interrupted, when he saw that Chris wanted to argue further. He was fed up with his lies, and Chris kept shut.

Castillo knew very well Chris was lying about it, but he could not seem to understand the actual reason Chris is doing what he’s doing.

After some minutes of silence, Chris excused himself, claiming he was exhausted and had some important things to attend to.

The boys kept their eyes pinned on him as he walked away. Everyone was looking at him awkwardly.

“What is wrong with Chris? He is behaving abnormal these days” Canice said.

“Yeah there’s something odd about him. He seems off these days, this is not the Chris we know” Collins added.

And Castillo just kept quiet, he was deep in thoughts. Chris is becoming something else really, he’s gonna see to it.


Meanwhile, Ivy struggled with the books until she got to her class. Thankfully, the lunch break was still on, and people left in the class were just the ones involved in their stupid act.

They were all engrossed in the act, and they paid no attention to her.

She dropped the books in her desk, and slowly started arranging them into her bag pack.

After some minutes, she was done arranging the books, and when she lifted her bag pack.

Jeez! It was just so loaded, and the weight was really something else, but she had to deal with it.

Soon, she was done, and she decided to take a seat and munch on the burger she had bought on her way to school.

Coz as for now, the cafeteria was a forbidden place for her, coz things always goes wrong whenever she goes there.

She brought out the burger from the side of her bag pack. And just as she was about having a bite from it, Dominic walked into the class. His eyes prying the classroom, he was obviously searching for her.

Oh no, not again!

But she just left there, and they promised to let her be for the next 48 hours. So what’s all this? She sighed tiredly.

Dominic finally located her, and he quickly walked up to her.

“What again?” She asked in an obviously tired tone.

“Calm down, the C4’s just asked me to get your digits” he replied.

“Huh? What for? Why would they suddenly need my digits now, to torment me the more” she mumbled.

“I don’t know, I’m just following orders. So are you giving it or not?” Dominic tilted his head.


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