Ivy stood up immediately and checked the time, lunch break was almost over. Gosh!!

She did not even bother to pack up, she just wore her shoes and arranged her uniform a bit before running out of the library.

Jeez! How could she even forget such a thing.

“Stupid sleep!” She cursed.

Now Chris is so gonna deal with her. The punishment she’s getting isn’t enough, she’s busy adding some more.

She ran all the way down. And when she got outside the building, the students were beginning to get scanty already.

She walked quickly, her eyes scanning for either Courtney, Leo or Alvin.

She prays none of the sees her, coz she has no time for explanations now.

She walked briskly till she got to a corner and diverted into it. She doesn’t even know the garden that much, but Courtney has taken her there once, when she was showing her around the school.

She took the corner she could remember Courtney took, and walked straight down.

Luckily she got to a place filled with beautiful flowers, and then she knew she has arrived at the garden.

The place was really quiet, there was no noise or sound from any corner. This only means one thing, Chris is gone, and no one is here.

Maybe he came and waited without seeing her, so he left. Now she’s definitely gonna pay for her sins.

She looked around, and the place was beginning to get creepy, so she decided to turn around and leave already.

She was already walking away when she bumped into someone.

“Ahhhhhhhhh” she screamed at the top of her voice. She felt so frightened coz she was already beginning to get scared even before she ran into the person, and to crown it all, the person was putting on a black hoodie.

She thought maybe a ghost had come to pick her up or something, and so she screamed loudly.

“Hey, shuuuuu” the person said using his palm to clasp her mouth shut.

“Why are you shouting?” The person added.

“Please don’t kll me, please don’t kll me!” Ivy pleaded with her eyes closed.

“Hey calm down Ivy, it’s me. What’s the meaning of all this, who’s klling who? Someone might hear you” he whispered, and slowly Ivy opened her eyes which she had shut tightly.

“Chris” Ivy called out calmly, feeling surprised.

“Yeah, it’s me” he said softly removing the cap of his hoodie.

And after studying him for sometime, Ivy heaved a sigh of relief.

And when Chris watched the expression on her face, he bursted into laughter.

But Ivy was unable to join in the laughter, coz she could not even believe it was Chris that was laughing right now. Chris????, of all people.

“So what’s my crime, why did you call me here?” She asked fidgeting a little. And instantly, Chris noticed this.

“Hey Ivy calm down, look I’m not here for trouble. Like I said over the phone, I just wanna talk to you, I have a few things to say to you” he mouthed, and Ivy just kept looking at him, like some crazy freak or something.

“I’ll appreciate it if you let go of the fear you have in your mind. Just follow me over there, let’s go have a seat and talk.

We’re not gonna be standing the whole day right?” He said, and he began leading Ivy to a fancy chair, there in the school garden.





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