Castillo was so wicked when it comes to things like this, and it has been so long he exercised his bullying skills.

They have always been expelling every of their victim for sometime now, but this one was gonna be different.

Something about that girl felt really familiar when he was looking at her earlier today at the cafeteria, he tried to recall where he had seen that face, but could not seem to place his hands on it.

He never had the intention of expelling her, even when he tried to force it, something kept pulling him back.

“Anyway, everyone must not be treated the same way, some people deserves special treatment” he thought and smirked evilly.

She’s surely gonna leave Crestfield, but he has to take it slowly, he will so much enjoy watching her suffer. He hated girls with guts like hers, and enjoyed torturing them.

“Let’s see how far that guys can take her” he muttered.

But the hint of familiarity he kept getting each time he thought of her, was something really strange.

He was still thinking, when a soft knock came on the door.

“Who’s that?” He grunted.

“It’s me Elsa” the voice came softly. And Castillo waited for some minutes, before finally giving her the permission to come in.

Elsa was his cousin who lost her parents in a plane crash on the same day, and since then, his parents took her in. She was a year older than him, but still gives him respect.

Everybody sees her as his sister, some of them never knew she was his cousin. But the fact that it was uploaded on the net and everywhere that he was the only child of the Walter family, made them certain that she was just his relative. But he loved and treated her like a sister.

“Elsa what do you want?” He asked in a gruffy manner, not even turning to look at her. The breeze was blowing his thick dark hair, and it also blew his shirts and pants.

Castillo was not a person with so much flesh, coz he disliked eating,even at his age, he was still forced to eat.

He always likes wearing oversized and baggy clothes, he had no body hug clothes, except for the ones that were specifically made for some type of occasions. But normally, his clothes were oversized.

“I just came to say hi, and check up on you” she replied, but Castillo kept quiet. So she assumed maybe he could not hear, coz of the headphone he was putting on.

She took a seat and her eyes began scanning the room, and then it landed on a blue file on top of the table, and so she picked it up.

She looked at it, and then read out the first thing she saw.

“Ivy Crownway” she mouthed, and Castillo quickly snapped at her. He walked to where she stood and snatched it away from her.

“Who gave you the right to touch my stuff?” He barked, and Elsa felt sorry immediately.

She thought he was listening to music with his headphone, so how did he hear her now. She bowed her head without saying anything.

“I’m talking to you Elsa, who gave you the right to touch my stuff?” He asked again.

“I’m so sorry Cas, I was just looking at it” she apologized.

“Just get out” he breathed calmly.


“I said get out!!!” He thundered, and she quickly scurried away.

After watching her go, he exhaled deeply and threw the file on top of the table, and then he sank on the sofa.

“Ivy Crownway, get ready for me” he mumbled.


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