Castillo was always with that headphone, he was hardly seen without it, as he took it along with him everywhere he goes.

The headphone was customized with his name at the side of both ears. It was written CW, (Castillo Walter).

He never allows anyone to touch it, not even his dad and mom. Some of his fans called it his best friend, coz he never liked taking it off, even in class.

“What do you mean there are other ways to punish sinners? Castillo, I do not know what it is you have with this particular girl that is stopping you from doing the right thing” Chris barked, anger written all over his voice.

“Chris I’ll keep warning you………don’t you dare raise your voice at me. Are you ¢razy!!!” Castillo yelled, and Chris eyes never left his. They were busy glaring at each other.

“The truth of the matter is that I don’t understand why you find it difficult to do justice to this girl, she’s done enough, and if we do not get rid of her, she’s gonna tarnish our image.

Yeah, some people are no longer gonna give us the respect we deserve, if we let her go free” Collins explained.

“And who’s talking about letting her go free?” Castillo asked walking back to the window.

“So what’s your take on this, what are we gonna do to her? We cannot keep arguing over a particular girl everyday” Canice chipped in.

Castillo looked at Canice and then smiled.

“Good question” he mumbled.

“Albert I wanna see you right now” he spoke to his headphone. The headphone was also a means of communicating with people.

And in no time, Albert came into the class.

Albert was his personal body guard, and he also acted like a PA too.

He was a large and able bodied young man, who always follows Castillo around. He was always more than ready to take Castillo’s orders, and could even die for him.

And coz of this, Castillo was very fond of him. Coz he had been working for them ever since Castillo was little, and Castillo somehow saw him as a senior brother.

“Bring me every detail you can get about that lousy animal in the next 24 hours” he commanded.

“Yes young boss” Albert answered immediately, he already knew the animal he was talking about.

“Tell the driver to set the car, I’m going home right now” he added.

“Yes young boss” Albert said and bowed before leaving.

“So this means she’s not getting expelled?” Collins questioned immediately Albert walked away, he was obviously very pissed.

“No” Castillo answered simply, and brought down the headphone from his ears, and wrapped it around his neck.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll be heading home now, I have a headache” he announced, and they all kept quiet.

“Alright, I’ll take it that there’s nothing else. Bye guys, I’ll see you tomorrow” he said and gently walked out of the hall.

Chris was boiling in anger as he watched him leave. He could not bear his anger anymore, that was the main reason he kept quiet, he didn’t want to say anything that would trigger Castillo, and then it will lead to a fight. So he just gently sealed his lips.


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