Ivy sat on a chair breathing faster than normal coz of the long walk they had taken, and Courtney stood placing her bag pack on the table. She took Ivy’s order, coz she knew her friend was really hungry, and so she quickly went to get them.

She returned in no time with a sandwich and a can of soft drink, and placed them on the table.

“What!” Ivy yelled.

“Why would you do this, I’m hungry” she complained bitterly, seeing the snacks on the table.

“Hey relax, this is the only thing I could find, the food is finished” Courtney consoled.

“I should just mange this” she shrugged and hungrily took a bite from the sandwich, she had no choice as she was feeling really hungry.

As she was about taking another, the cafeteria suddenly became rowdy. People started rushing out of the cafeteria, some held their meal in their hands as they ran away, while some were to scared to take their food along.

“What I’m earth is going on” Ivy thought.

Courtney who was sitting close to her started fidgeting, and quickly she stood up with her bag pack, ready to leave.

“Courtney you too?” Ivy asked feeling really confused.

“Why are people suddenly running away?” Ivy asked.

“Ivy stop talking, we need to leave now. Come with me, there’s no time to explain anything” Courtney rushed her words.

“No! I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on” Ivy insisted.

“There’s no time Ivy, I’ll tell you later when we get out” Courtney tried convincing her, but she remained adamant, and then Courtney had to give up trying.

She took her bag pack and dashed out of the cafeteria, while Ivy continued eating her meal feeling unbothered.

“What’s with this school anyway, they’re so weird” she mumbled and continued eating her food, but it was not for so long.

She looked around and realized she was the only one remaining in the cafeteria, like everyone really left. And then it dawned on her that she could be making a big mistake, why didn’t she just leave as everyone did.

And just then, she saw her biggest nightmare.

The C4’s were coming into the cafeteria, with the Castillo guy leading at the front. He was putting on a big black jacket across his uniform, and his usual white headphone was hung around his neck.

“Someone’s still there” Canice alerted them, as they walked in.

“It’s a girl, a pretty one at that” Collins added smiling, and then they all began walking towards her.

And by now, Ivy’s heart was already in her hands. Whatever happens to her today, she clearly deserves it.

Men were situated all around the entrance of the cafeteria, and she assumed them to be Castillo’s body guards. She’s doomed!!

“I see! You’ve got some guts you know” Castillo spoke as they stood in front of her. She quickly stood on her feet, and bowed her head in fear.

“Ivy remain calm, it’s gonna be fine” she consoled herself within.

“What are you doing here?” Didn’t you see your mates leaving, why didn’t you leave as well?” Castillo questioned in a soft, but unfriendly tone.

Ivy could not answer, her head was still bowed, she was too afraid to speak.

“I believe I’m talking to a human being. Can’t you speak, or are you deaf or dumb, which one!” Castillo spat.

“I’m……. Ivy tried speaking, but she couldn’t find the right words, she was just too scared. And so she kept her mouth sealed, with her head still bowed.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you, and do not piss me off” Castillo roared, and it was then Ivy realized she was in big trouble.


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