The class went on for the day, and soon it came to an end. It was lunch break, and so many students started leaving the class, while some stayed as usual, to continue their immoral acts.

Ivy got up and left the class, coz she normally does not stay in class during break period, coz of their acts.

She got outside and went to sit on a bench at a corner. She did not just feel like doing anything or talking to anyone, she just sat there all alone.

She was about dosing off when Courtney walked up to her.

“Ivy!” She exclaimed happily.

“Hey Courtney” Ivy sighed tiredly.

“Where have you been? I have been looking all over the school for you, I was almost afraid that you did not show up in school today”

“How did you find me?” Ivy simply asked after all Courtney’s bluffing.

“Well I asked a student and he told me he saw you coming this way” she explained.

“And what do you even mean by that? Don’t you want to see me, or haven’t you forgiven me” Courtney added.

“Oh no Courtney, I have. Just that I’m tired and I’m just thinking about so many things” Ivy answered tiredly.

“It’s okay dear” Courtney breathed, feeling nothing but pity for her as she looked a her. It was clearly written all over her that she was worried.

“Are you not hungry?” Courtney asked with concern.

“Yes I am” Ivy mumbled.

“Then let’s go get something from the cafeteria”

“Are you mad. You do realize that I’m avoiding the C4’s right?” Ivy snickered quickly.

“Yeah I know, but it’s got nothing to do with having lunch” Courtney said.

“Let me remind you if you have forgotten, it all happened at this same cafeteria. And hell no, I’m not going back there” she said firmly.

“What do you mean by that? So you’re not gonna go to the cafeteria ever again till you graduate?” Courtney questioned.

“Yes, if it’s possible, that’s what I’m gonna do” Ivy replied firmly, and Courtney sighed. It would take a lot to persuade Ivy now, she’ll have a lot of explaining to do.

“It’s once in a while Ivy, the C4’s do not show up at that cafeteria regularly, they just happened to come that day. And if you notice, that was the first time they came to the cafeteria ever since you got into the school.

They are not showing up there again until few weeks from now” Courtney explained.

But Ivy’s mind was still not settled, she was still having doubts of going there, even with Courtney’s assurance.

The much pressure from Courtney, and the rumbling sound of her stomach made her change her mind. For sure, she was still having doubts, but she just decided to go, and hope nothing goes wrong.

She gently stood up and followed Courtney, and they both started walking away. And in to time, they got to the cafeteria and quickly took their seats.

Ivy sat down, and as usual Courtney went to get their orders. She soon returned with two plates of spaghetti and meatballs, and she placed them on the table.

“Thank you” Ivy said calmly and drew the food closer to her. Soon, she focused on the food and started munching on it.

“Hey easy” Courtney laughed as she watched Ivy eat.

“Why is it that you’re always hungry” Courtney asked in between laughter and Ivy shrugged.

“I don’t know, but you should get the memo already” she said sharply.

“You’re a foodie?” Courtney arched a brow, and Ivy shrugged.


“You can call it whatever you like” she said as she continued with her food.




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