“Madison have not been in school since the day of the party, that night of the party was the last time I saw her, and ever since then she’s refused picking any of our calls or even talking to anybody. No one have seen or heard from her” Matthew explained.

“Did you try going to her house?” Ivy asked with sheer concern.

“Yes I did, but I was told they’ve moved out already” Drake answered.

“Jeez! What is going on with Madison” she muttered.

“Thank you boys, I will have to go now” Ivy said as she took the stuffs she had gathered and left the building.

Davina was not in school that day, and she’ve not told her any of this. She’s been calling Madison too, but she’s not been picking up. But she never knew any of this was happening.

She sincerely hopes and prays Madison was okay.


Ivy woke up that morning feeling nervous and tensed at the same time. Today is gonna be her first day at Crestfield.

Her mom already arranged her stuffs happily, and now she was already in her room this morning again, trying to set her up.

“Mom I’m not a kid anymore” Ivy groaned as her mom was In her bathroom, setting her bathing water.

“I don’t care baby, today is your first day at Crestfield High, so even if it’s just for today, you are my baby. So now come on get up, your bathing water is ready” her mom said pulling the blanket away from her body, and she grunted.

“Mom!” She cried.

“Up princess, up”

Her mom made sure she got into the shower before leaving the room.

Ivy had her bath and came out quickly, she put on her uniform, and then she started dressing in her long socks and shoes. She wouldn’t deny the fact that their uniform was really beautiful.

She stood in front of the mirror and packed her hair in a ponytail, her black and brown colored hair touching her waist.

She took her new bag pack loaded with books given to her from the school, and threw it over her back. She looked into the mirror and breathed lowly with her eyes closed.

Then slowly, she walked out of the room and headed downstairs.

“Wow! You look beautiful” her dad complimented, before she could even reach the dinning.

“Good morning dad” she greeted smiling, it was just her dad seated on the dining table alone.

“Morning baby, you look pretty” he said again.

“Thanks dad” she said smiling as she took a seat beside him.

“Oh my goodness Ivy! You look just like a cute little baby” her mom smiled cheerfully, dropping a bowl of pancake in front of her on the table. She was coming from the kitchen.

She quickly dipped her hand into it and took one.

“Hmmm, this is tasty, anyway thanks mom for the compliment” she smiled cheerfully.

“You’re welcome honey” her mom replied, as she sat down, and soon they started eating.

“Where’s Alvin?” Mr Crownway asked, few minutes after they started eating.

“Alvin’s right here” Alvin replied coming down from the stairs with his hands on his tie, he was knotting it.

“Wow, who’s this lady seated here?” He teased Ivy, and she stifled a laugh.

“Our uniform looks really good on you, it suits you perfectly” he said flashing her a smile, and Ivy was busy blushing.

“Thanks” she said beaming with smiles.

“We’re almost running late Ivy and you’re just seated there” Alvin said as he reached for a pancake, he lifted it into his mouth and took a bite.

“Wow this is so good” he said as he took another bite, chewing on it softly.

“Ivy get up!” He nudged her as he took another piece of pancake and headed out.

“Bye mom, bye dad” Ivy said as she stood up to catch up with her brother.

“Alright, bye baby” her mom answered.

Her mom sighed as she watched Ivy walk out, she hopes her daughter’s gonna be okay.


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