Cassie was still holding him as they walked out, drawing all attention from the students to themselves. Some students were still trying to touch them, but the bouncers were holding them back.

They walked to their various cars and got in, and next they moved, it was a convoy as so many cars were leaving the compound.

Cassie did not join them in their car, as she waved them goodbye she walked straight to her own car and got in. Her friends Natasha and Anabella joined in, and they left also.



Madison was completely taken aback when all this was happening. Ivy again! She was yet to recover from what just happened, and now this again.

She was too tired to chase after Castillo this time. He did not even look her way, but this is making it the second time he’s seen Ivy today.

Seeing Ivy on stage, she felt like walking up to her and slapping her real hard across the face. She has been writing this exam for years now without passing, and now Ivy just passed the same exam in just one trial.

It is done! Ivy has drawn the battle line between the both of them, and she would have to pay dearly now.

“She is gonna go to Crestfield High now, and she feels on top of the world, although she is pretending” Madi snarled with tears dropping from her eyes.

She looked at the stage and saw people congratulating the newly admitted students including Ivy, and Davina was there too.

“Let her enjoy all this for now, but it is not for too long. Madi would be back!” She said and stood up in annoyance, she wiped off her tears and next she stormed out of the party, not minding what was going on.


Alvin and Davina were so happy, especially Vina, she could not explain the joy she was feeling in her heart.

She followed Ivy and Alvin to the car, she decided she was gonna follow them home and stay for sometime to celebrate with them, before heading to her own house.

“I have always believed in you Ivy, I knew you were going to make it” Davina smiled, holding her closely.

They were at t back of the car, leaving only Alvin at the front to drive.

“Why does it seem to me like you’re not happy?” Vina frowned.

“She hates my school so much, don’t you know?” Alvin replied her.

“It doesn’t matter now, this scholarship is your saving Grace, and you’re supposed to be more than happy. No one cares if you hate the school or not, as long as you’re not gonna be a dropout anymore” Vina bluffed.

“That’s true, but Ivy would never listen. I have a block head for a twin sister” Alvin teased, and then Vina and Alvin bursted into laughter.

“Whatever” Ivy rolled her eyes.

“That reminds me, why did Madi leave the party? Coz when I returned to the table she was not there” Ivy asked inquisitively.

“I don’t know, maybe she left for home. She’s probably pained that she wasn’t called upon again” Davina answered.

“Madi sat for the examination again?” Alvin chipped in.

“Yeah, this is probably the fourth or third time now” Vina blabbed.

“What!” Alvin exclaimed.

“Davina!!!” Ivy called, nudging her to keep shut.

“What? I never lied, all I said is the truth” Davina rolled her eyes.

“So you mean this is Madison’s fourth time of writing the scholarship exam?” Alvin stifled a laugh.

“Shut up Alvin, it’s not funny” Ivy grunted, causing Alvin and Davina to burst into laughter.

“Vina, you too” Ivy turned to her, feeling disappointed.

“It’s not like I want to laugh at her, but I do not like the way she behaves. She was never my friend to begin with, I just wanted to be friends with you when I got into West High and you were always hanging out with her, so I had no other option than to be friends with the both of you” Davina confessed.

“Can you see, she did not even bother to congratulate you, she just stood up and left in annoyance. That’s so disrespectful!” Vina huffed.

“You know, I never really liked that girl and Ivy knows about it, I don’t know why she chose to be friends with her. From the very first day I saw her, I knew there was something not just right about her” Alvin added.


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