That day at school, they were seated in class and was having a particular class that morning.

Chris, Canice, and everyone in that class were present that morning, coz the class was a compulsory one.

Ivy was paying rapt attention, and they all had their notebooks in front of them.

Chris was just busy staring at Ivy throughout the class. He had it at the back of his mind that he was gonna talk to Ivy after class today, no matter what.

Weather she likes it or not, wherever she was always disappearing to, he would know today. His eyes was on her.

They were still in the middle of the class when the door suddenly opened, and someone walked in.

It was a student, a female student. And it seemed she was new, coz that face has not been seen in that class before. And again, she was looking around just like a novice.

Immediately she entered, almost everyone in the class drifted their attention to her. And she just stood there, looking shy and nervous.

“Hey miss!” The teacher said, and she turned to look at him directly.

“Young lady, are you new here?” The teacher asked, and she nodded quickly.

“Yes sir” she replied, talking for the first time.

And swiftly, Ivy turned her eyes to her direction.

She was busy scribbling down some things on her notepad, and so she did not even bother looking at the student when everyone did.

But on hearing that familiar voice which she could never forget, she quickly turned to the direction.

And surprisingly, she found her long time friend standing at the door.

“Madison!!!!!!” She screamed and stood up from her seat.

She quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly.


“Madison!!!” Ivy screamed still hugging her tightly. And Madison chuckled, hugging her back.

By now, they’ve already drawn the attention of the whole class, as everyone turned to look at them. Even the teacher also did same, coz they’ve practically obstructed his teaching.

But Ivy was unaware of this fact, she just felt really surprised and shocked to see Madison again.

She was still hearing from Davina, but ever since that day at the party, she has not seen or heard from Madison.

Now, she just suddenly shows up here in her school, and her class. Wow, just wow.

“Okay okay Ivy, that’s enough” Madison said as soon as she realized all eyes were on them, so she began feeling shy.

“Oh” Ivy mouthed as she let go of Madi, looking around the class to find all eyes on them. She didn’t even know this was going on, what was she thinking anyway.

Oh gosh! This is so embarrassing.

“Okay miss Crownway, are we done with the re union? Can I teach now?” He teased and Ivy couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

“Sorry sir” she muttered and slowly went to take her seat.

He watched Ivy do this, and then released a small smile before facing the class.

“So what’s your name miss?” He asked referring to Madison.

“I’m Madison. Madison Johnson sir” she replied quickly.

“Okay miss Johnson, you can have your seat close to miss Chelsea” he said pointing at a particular seat.

“Okay sir” Madison nodded, and then went to take her seat next to the girl. And so, the class continued from there.


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