Chris on the other hand noticed this, he noticed how Leo was following Ivy about. He has always known Leo was interested in this girl.

But Leo is supposed to back off, knowing he has eyes for the same girl.

Chris could not tell where this obsession and possession was coming from. But he knows his heart would not but be at rest, if he doesn’t get her.

But Ivy on the other hand was giving his a though time, she doesn’t even pick up his calls.

The only time he gets to see her is in class, and after dismissal, he cannot even tell where she usually runs off to. Coz he would not see her anywhere again.

She loves hanging out with Leo instead, and this was creating a kind of hatred between himself and Leo.

He knew they never got along before, and this was making it more hard for them. He just doesn’t wanna have anything to do with Leo.

Or maybe it’s coz he hasn’t made it clear to either of them that he wants Ivy, he wanted to keep it a secret coz of the C4’s. He doesn’t wanna answer unnecessary questions from anyone.

He just doesn’t know why Ivy is stressing him. Maybe he just have to go the hard way then, Ivy’s gonna accept him weather she likes it or not.

Ivy on the other hand, just wanted to be a free student like the others, that is what she’s always wanted.

And now that it seemed like she’s achieving it, she doesn’t want Chris or anyone to ruin that for her. That was why she avoided Chris as much as possible.


Castillo was just feeling pissed, so upset at the fact that a student came into Crestfield, got on their bad side, and now she wanna be free just like that.

This has never happened before, and it is not gonna start now. He Castillo Walter, is not gonna let her go just like that.

She should understand that it’s possible to mess with the rest of them, but not with him.

He’s surely gonna show her the stuff he was made of, before letting her go. Especially now that Chris is showing interest in her.

Chris cannot just get a girl off their hook, just like that. And suddenly, he wants to become friends with her, and wants everything to be normal.

No! He’s never gonna agree to this method. That girl has to suffer for her sins, and so would Chris.

By making her do the things he wants, she’s never gonna have time for Chris.

Seeing that he would need her for his use, Chris would have no other option than to let her be.

Not that he really needed Ivy, he just wanted Chris to understand the fact that he could not be messed with.

He just wanted them to be apart by all means.


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