Ivy kept glaring at Chris for sometime, before something struck her. She looked around for almost a minute, before returning her eyes to Chris.

“Hold on! Where’s Castillo and the rest of them, where are your so called friends?” Ivy asked in sarcasm.

“Oh they’re not here, I came alone” Chris replied casually.

“Why?” Ivy squeezed her eyes.


“Why did you come to the cafeteria without them, or are they not in school today?” Ivy asked.

“Yes they are, I just felt like coming alone” he answered.

“So in that case, I presume you came to have lunch. So why then are you holding me here?” Ivy rolled her eyes.

“Oh please stop acting dumb Ivy. Isn’t it obvious? I came to see you, I wanna talk to you”

“About what, about what Chris?” Ivy rushed at him.

“I wanna be your friend” Chris answered sharply.

“And I do not want to be your friend Chris, is it too hard to understand” Ivy barked.

“Look Ivy will you just stop all this. I am begging, and I’m not ordering, why are you proving stubborn? Don’t you wanna know why I wanna be close to you” Chris huffed.

“Gosh Ivy, I’m tired already. You’re making me talk to much” Chris sighed tiredly, and Ivy remained quiet now.

“Look Ivy, just hear me out. I have a reason for…

“You were saying…..” Castillo interrupted as the three of them walked in.

“What are you guys doing here?” Chris questioned feeling surprised, and standing on his feet. And Ivy who was already becoming soft on Chris, suddenly regained herself.

The three of them just kept quiet and continued staring at Chris, without even saying a word.

Chris watched them as they kept looking at him, he knew they already caught him now. Shit! How did they even know he was here. He have to do something now.

Not knowing what to do, Chris took a bottle of ketchup from the table, and poured it all over Ivy’s sponge cake. And then next, he pushed her head backward.

Ivy was not surprised that he did this, what she was surprised about is why Chris would not let her be, knowing he values his gang.

Ivy stood up from her seat and faced Chris directly, she was already feeling so angry inside. This nonsense has to stop.

“You know, Chris you’re nothing but a hypocrite” Ivy started.

“Why coming to me for friendship when you know you wanna hide it from your fiends, and that you’re ashamed of the so called friendship you want” Ivy blurted out, shocking all of them.

“Look, I don’t know what it is you want from me, but this your stinky character is one of the main reasons I’ll never accept your fake friendship proposal” Ivy snarled, counting her words gently.

“Now if you’ll excuse me you hypocrite, I have a class to attend” Ivy scoffed and picked up her bag pack, before storming out of the cafeteria.

Without even sparing the rest of them a glance, or caring about their presence.

Castillo felt so humiliated right now.

“I’ve always known you wanted something else from this Ivy girl. Friendship? What the…’re so foolish Chris” Canice scoffed angrily.


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