“Miss Crownway, on your feet” Mr Jelal instructed when he caught Ivy sleeping again for the second time in class, and instantly Ivy stood up.

“What was the last thing I said?” He asked.

“You said, what was the last thing I said” Ivy answered sleepily, and the class bursted into laughter.

“Miss Crownway, you’re one of the best students in West High. But your character these days is becoming questionable” the teacher expressed his disappointment.

“I’m so sorry sir” she apologized.

“Just sit” he waved at her.

“Thank you sir” she said and took her seat.

Davina and Madi were giving her a look she could not understand, so just shrugged it off, and focused on Mr Jelal.


“Really Ivy?” Davina chuckled.

“I’m telling the truth, I had to watch my grannie all night, and she’s a pain in the a$s. I did not get any sleep.” Ivy grunted.

“Look girl I understand, I just lost my grandad some months ago, and I was the one looking after him before he died. Trust me, it was an experience I never want to share” Davina said tapping Ivy’s shoulders.

“Yeah I remember, then you’ll come to school looking all sad and gloomy” Madi recalled.

“And you were always wishing he dies” Ivy added.

“And now my wish is granted” she giggled.

“Vina!!!!!!!” They both exclaimed.

“What? He’s old already” Vina shrugged.

“Honestly, I would have wished same, but I still love my Nona. I just wish the burden could be lifted off my shoulders, but I guess this is how I’m gonna be till God knows when” Ivy breathed out tiredly.

“By the way, what happened to her?” Madi asked.

“She was diagnosed of diabetes”

“Wow, that’s pretty serious” Madi muttered.

“Yeah I know” she mumbled.

“What’s that?” She asked after some minutes of silence, pointing at the sheet of paper in Madi’s hands.

“It’s the scholarship form” she replied simply.

“So you’re really serious about taking the examination?” Ivy looked at her tiredly.

“Of course Ivy, does it look like I’m joking?” She replied sharply.

“Let her be Ivy, she’s gonna go and come back to us like she always does” Davina teased.

“Vina better stop all this silly jokes, before I get into a fight with you. You’re supposed to wish me luck not this, you’re spitting nonsense. No negativity please” Madi fired.

“Madi i think this is obsession, this is getting out of hand. You keep purchasing a particular form every year, just because of a guy! A useless one at that” Ivy spat angrily.

“Ivy please just stop this. Like you said, I’m waisting my time not yours, I use my money not yours. So please, leave me be!” She barked making both of them surprised.

“I’m sorry” Ivy apologized, when she saw how angry Madi was. And Madi just remained silent, fuming angrily.

Just then, the three guys walked up to them, and they greeted themselves. Of course except Madi, who was fuming in rage.

“What’s up with Madi, why’s she that way?” Drake asked no one in particular, feeling concerned.

“I think you should walk up to her and ask her yourself” Ivy said lowly, indicating she wasn’t ready to answer any questions.

Drake was confused at Ivy’s response, he turned to look at Davina, and she just simply shrugged.

And Drake stood looking at them, he stood for a while, before walking up to her.

He got to where she was, and she didn’t even spare him a glance.

He cleared his throat, and swallowed hard before finally speaking, after standing for some time.

“Uhmm hey Madi, I heard……..

Madi looked up at him, glaring hardly at him, cutting him short. And then she hissed loudly before walking away.

Jeez! That was a big disgrace, and Drake felt so embarrassed. Everyone present there saw this, and they were all looking at him, he just stood there and bowed his head in shame.

Ivy and the rest of them also saw what happened, but they just ignored it totally. They saw it coming anyway.

“Eisshhh Ivy you look awful” Hilson commented, looking at her in a pitiful way.

“Yeah I know” she mumbled.

“What’s up what’s going on with you, you wanna share?” Hilson asked.

“Trust me, you don’t wanna know” Ivy shook her head.

“What’s up with her? What’s with the dark circles around her eyes?” Matthew asked, looking at Davina.

“She is taking care of an old lady, and she did not get any sleep throughout the night” Vina answered.

“And who’s this old lady” Hilson asked.

“You’re supposed to figure out it’s her grannie” Matthew sighed tiredly.

“Oh, I’m sorry about that Ivy. How are you doing now” Hilson asked sincerely, turning to her.

“I’ll be fine thank you” she let out a light smile.


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