“Do you think it’s easy to get admitted into Crestfield? Out of over thousands of schools in this country, and millions of students sitting for the examination, just only three students would get admitted at the end of the day” Madi explained.

“Oh that’s bad, that’s really not nice. The number of people they choose are too small” Vina said, and Madi nodded.

“Obviously, they do not want over population in their school. They believe everyone sitting for the examination are paupers, so they do not want too much paupers in their school” Ivy said mockingly.

“That’s right, but I guess I’ll keep on trying till I become victorious” Madison muttered.

“That means you’re taking another form this year again?” Ivy asked, feeling really surprised.

“Of course” Madi replied Instantly.

“I’m sure they would have been tired of seeing your name in that list. Don’t you think it’s high time you give up already” Vina shook her head in pity.

“Never! I’ll keep trying. I was so close last year, my name was on number thirty three” Madi quickly rushed at her.

“And you call that close?” Ivy chuckled.

“Of course, out of millions of people” she defended.

“There’s nothing like so close there. They need just three persons, and it doesn’t matter if you’re the fourth person, they don’t even care. If you’re really determined to do this, you have to strive hard until you get there”

“If not, girl! You’ll keep writing this examination until we graduate” Ivy encouraged, and Madi nodded. Seeing wisdom in what Ivy just said.

All she needs to do this time is strive harder.

“Hi ladies” Matthew greeted, as himself Drake and Hilson walked up to them.

“Hi guys” the girls answered, except Madison.

Madison hated being around this particular guys because Drake has an undying crush for her. He was also handsome, but she hated everything about him.

She found him weird, and disliked the fact he was a nerd, so everything about him irritates her. All his efforts to get close to her pisses her off.

Deep down, she knew he was a nice guy, but she had a good reason for rejecting him. And that was because of Castillo.

She know it sounds crazy, but it was the truth. She hoped that one day, she would become the girlfriend, or even the side chick of Castillo. And so for that, she needed no silly boy around her.

No matter the position she was, as long as she’s close to him, and he loves her too.

Everyone was telling her that she was obsessed, and she also saw it herself. But she couldn’t care less anyway, it was fine by her, as long as it’s Castillo.

“Hey Madi” Drake greeted smiling nervously.

“Hey” she answered carelessly.

“Uhmm, have you had lunch yet?” He asked shyly.

“Obviously” Madi rolled her eyes, referring to the ham burger and yogurt on the table. And that was after keeping him quiet for some minutes.

“Okay then” he smiled.

“Anything else?” Madison asked rudely, studying him from head to toe. When she saw that he was still standing in front of her.

“Uhmm i..I… he was trying to speak, but unfortunately, the bell rang.

“Okay as you can see the bell’s been rung, lunch time’s over I’ll talk to you later” Madi rushed her words and quickly turned to face the board. Indicating he should leave already.

Davina and Ivy shared a look, before looking at Drake with pitiful eyes.

He looked at them and nodded in an understanding way, before leaving with Hilson and Matthew, who also bade them goodbye.

Ivy looked at Madison and shook her head, before facing the board too.


“Hi mum” Ivy greeted as she walked into the house, with her bag pack hung around her shoulders. She was looking exhausted.

“Hi baby” her mom answered weakly, and instantly Ivy noticed her mood.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” She asked taking her seat close to her.

“Nothing” she shook her head.

“That’s a lie mom, why’s your face like that?” She asked holding her hands, and looking around.

“Where’s dad?” she asked noticing his absence. She was a bit late today, so her dad ought to be around by now.

“Is Alvin back from school yet?” She asked again, but her mom remained quiet.

“Answer me mom” she nudged her, and her mom sat upright.

“Is everything alright? Talk to me mom”

“No ivy, everything’s not alright” she breathed out tiredly.

“Okay….so what’s the problem?” Ivy asked curiously.

And then, her mom looked at her and released a long sigh before speaking.

“Ivy your grandma’s not feeling so well, your dad and bro went to get her” she spoke up.

“What! Nona?????”


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