Madison has been engrossed with her phone since today, even to the point that she refused to go out for lunch break.

Ivy and Davina had gone out to get lunch, and she remained the class, operating her phone.

“What is it you’ve been watching on your phone for hours now?” Davina asked as she handed Madi a harm burger, and a bottle of yoghourt.

“Hmmpphh, she’s obviously watching the Crestfield’s party that was held last night” Ivy answered taking a bite from her burger, as she took her seat on the bench.

“Really? How come I did not hear about the party?” Davina asked as she sat close to Madi, trying to get a view of the video.

“Well it was supposed to be a private party after all, but it didn’t go as planned” Ivy replied.

“The C4’s were gonna attend, so what were they expecting?” Madi added rolling her eyes.

“Wow! How come you know so much Ivy?” Vina asked.

“It seems you’ve forgotten my brother Alvin attends that school. He gives me Info” Ivy mouthed, and Vina shrugged.

“Wow! Is this what they call a private party? Even our most celebrated event at West high is not up to this” Davina gushed.

“Pleaseeee, are you mocking us or what? I know our school isn’t up to theirs, but our school is a well known good school” Ivy defended.

“It’s nothing compared to Crestfield, girl!!!!! This is what I call a party” Vina threw back her eyes glued to the phone, and Ivy just simply rolled her eyes.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Madison squealed as the camera focused on Castillo. And then, Ivy was forced to look into the phone.

She gasped lowly as she saw his pictures. She has not really seen him that much, and she would not even recognize him if she sees him in person.

As much as she hated to admit it, this Castillo was really a demigod. Godddd! He was truly handsome, little wonder girls gawk around him. How can a human being be this handsome???

But all the same, she hated him and was also sacred of him, coz of all the things she’s heard about him. But she would never admit to anyone that she was scared of him, not even to her own self.

“Hey, stop drooling” Davina nudged Madison hard.

“I’m not!” She half yelled.

“Oh yes you are” Ivy added.

“Whatever, it’s not a bad thing to do so. I love him” she admitted.

“Love!!!” They both chorused with wide eyes.

“Yeah love, I love him. The girls in Crestfield are just so lucky, I wish my parents had the money to send me there too. I wish I had the chance to be there” Madi said dreamily.

“Even if you happen to get there, with the number of girls flocking him, do you think you stand a chance?” Davina huffed.

“Of course Vina, at least she gets to see him” Ivy answered on her behalf, and they both burst into laughter.

“What do you mean by that? I’m I not beautiful enough to be noticed?” She frowned.

“Nobody said you’re ugly, but do you know the type of beautiful girls that are in Crestfield? Their glowing skin alone, yet he’s noticed none of them. So what makes you think you’ll make a difference?” Davina asked, and Madi glared at her.

Ivy was feeling really amused by the question, but she was trying her best to hold it in. Coz she knew Madi’s not gonna be happy with her, If she laughs at a time like this.

“Just watch and see girlfriend, let me just get the chance to be close to him. You guys are gonna be jealous of me” she said with confidence, and Ivy couldn’t help release the laugh she’s been holding.

Ivy bursted into laughter, and kept on laughing. Hearing what Madi said, she couldn’t just hold it in anymore. And as expected, Madi threw her a serious glare.

“Sorry” she said in between laughter, as she tried controlling it.

“Well the scholarship exam is coming up, you can as well enroll and get the form too” Davina advised.

“You’re saying this as if you don’t know she’s been sitting for this exam every year for the past three years now, without getting admitted” Ivy mouthed.

“Uh oh! I forgot about that” Vina stifled a laugh.


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