“Hi girlfriend” Davina grinned immediately Ivy walked into the classroom.

“Hi Vina, where’s Madi?” Ivy asked as she took her seat, looking around the class.

“Just look how you’re asking as if you don’t know” Vina huffed.

“Yeah, Madison never comes on time” she sighed.

“You’re about to eat!!” Ivy’s eyes lit up in excitement as Davina brought out a small food flask.

“Yeah, my mom packed up some potato chips for me…….

“Oh goodness! What’s with everyone and potatoes this morning” she grunted angrily.

“Oh, I forgot you don’t like potatoes” Vina laughed.

“I’m allergic to them, and it’s not funny” she snarled.

“Uh oh! So sorry dear” she teased, holding in her laughter.

“Okay class, can we all settle down now. Be seated right now” the class teacher announced immediately he walked into the class.

“Good morning mr Noah” the class greeted in unison.

“Yeah good morning class. Today, we’ll be talking on…….

“Good day sir” Madison greeted as she barged into the class, panting heavily with her text books in her hands.

“Miss Johnson, late again!” He said in a deep baritone voice.

“I’m sorry sir”she said with pleading eyes.

“Pardoned” he breathed, and she smiled.

She then ran to take her seat in between Ivy and Davina, who simply glared at her.

“So class, eyes on me now, so we can get down with this” he mouthed. Coz he noticed that most of the students were not concentrating, they had their focus on Ivy.


“Oh my God, I was really famished” Ivy said in a rush, as she hastily crushed on her spaghetti”

“Slow down, you’re gonna end up choking” Madison muttered, looking at her in disgust.

“You do not understand what I was going through while I was in class, so please let me be” she answered breathing heavily, and she continued eating.

Ivy and food!

Davina looked at her and shook her head repeatedly. She liked food a lot, and that got people wondering. Where does all the food she consumes go?????

“If you keep eating like that, you’re gonna get a stain on your uniform” Davina warned, but she ignored, and continued rushing her food.

“That’s by the way, did anyone of you see the update of the C4’s last night?” Madi grinned, as her eyes lit up in nothing but pure excitement.

“Obviously no one did, you’re the only one interested in those dumb beings” Ivy rolled her eyes.

“They’re not dumb” Madi hissed.

“Well go on” Davina said, obviously anxious to hear the news.

“Whatever” Ivy rolled her eyes again.

“Well, Castillo my favorite, as you all know….she started with pride…..

“Yeah, what about him?” Vina asked curiously.

“He got a new ride yesterday!!” she squealed.

“What!” Vina’s eyes widened.

“Yeah and that’s not all, his mom also gifted him a power bike. And you need to see the pictures he took with them, he looked so hot that I had to save them on my phone” Madi said showing the pictures to Vina.

“Oh please, you save every single picture of him you come across” Ivy teased.

“Wow, he looks cute” Davina smiled.

“Yeah I know” Madi smiled sheepishly.

“But not as cute as my Canice tho” Davina added with a smile.

“Oh shut it Vina, we all know Castillo’s the cutest. And I’m just looking forward to the day I’ll see him in person” Madi said dreamily.

And Ivy just sat staring at them like zombies.

What’s with these guys???


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