Dooshima was still in bed on rainy thursday morning,she was overwhelmed by the stress from the traditional marriage,she lay in bed till about ten A.M , she didn’t even know when the house keeper entered and cleaned her room .

She checked the screen of her Samsung Galaxy Note , a tiny alert light on the top was blinking a green light, she had missed over four calls from a new number . She dialled the number .

“Hello Dooshima ?” She heard a familiar voice over the phone.
“What is it Terdue ?” She had long deleted his number and memory . “Please I’ve an important information , I need us to talk , how can I see you ?” He asked , Dooshima paused for a long while , she sighed before replying him .

“You know I’m at the eve of my wedding ? I’m so busy I can’t come to see you . “Dooshima said .”Can I come to Gboko it’s important I see you , it’s about your wedding .” He said .

“Please I don’t want to discuss that topic with you Terdue , you should have a conscience , you don’t need to call me two days to my wedding . I’ve forgiven you Terdue but I don’t want to maintain any relationship with you.” Dooshima said .

“Dooshima what if I want to save you from making a fatal mistake ? That we didn’t end up together doesn’t mean I no longer care for you .”

Terdue said , Dooshima cackled . “Please Terdue I’m no longer the stupid and knife girl who fell for your lies , you got married , I’ve moved on , you cannot tell me anything, that I’ll believe you , because you can lie straight up to my face , without blinking.

Remember the game you played on me two years ago ? you left without saying bye , I am trying to rebuild my life , please just let me be .” Dooshima said , Terdue was quiet for a long while , Dooshima thought he had hung up the call, but then she heard his breathe over the phone .

“Terfa isn’t the guy you think he’s , I think you should investigate him , before you say yes to him , he’s hiding secrets that would destroy you after marriage .”

Terdue said , Dooshima cackled again,so loudly that it annoyed him .”If it’s your plans to scatter my marriage on Saturday you have failed , what we had is over , I am not thinking of you , please just leave me alone. ” Dooshima hissed.

”Dooshima I can show you proves If you’re still doubting me.”Terdue said . “Common Terdue be an adult and move ahead , you ended our relationship,don’t bring any childish trick here to try and get us back together.” Dooshima blurted .

“It’s okay I’m sorry for interrupting your wedding plans , I thought I could help my friend .” Terdue said , before he hung up . There was a knock on the door , when Dooshima went there , she saw John Chef standing there with a big smile on his face .

“Madam Dooshima your breakfast is ready , your mum is waiting for you downstairs.”Dooshima thanked him , and got into the bathroom to take her bath , she changed into a green and black Ankara A-line gown , her parents and siblings were on the dinning table.

“Good morning Sunshine, the newest bride in town .” Professor Gamadi hailed his daughter, she smiled shyly .

”Good morning dad , good morning mum .” She greeted . “How was your night Chris?” Dooshima asked her younger brother , who was sitting to her right , he was wearing a beard and a yellow senator native, Chris was hunched over his plate of fried egg , tie and bread .

“Am good Dooshima hope you’re catching the wedding vibe?” Chris said , Charles who was sitting across the table , from Chris and Dooshima laughed . “Soon Dooshima too would be taken .” He said, Dooshima didn’t seem thrilled by the idea of getting married .

“Dooshima don’t worry , it’s just fear gripping your heart , you’ll be okay after the wedding, it’s just tension building up in your chest .” Annabel and Dooshima nodded , she rushed through her meal , she didn’t like the undue attention from her family .

Shiana was playing and screaming with Annabel’s kids outside the compound . ” Dooshima please don’t forget to stop at Terfa’s parents house , Bemshima said she would like to see you this afternoon.

“Seember said , Dooshima didn’t utter a word , she finished her breakfast and left the table ,she would make a stop at Mimidoo’s place .

“Hello Miss Lillian where are you going ?” Psalm who had become more like her friend than her father’s security attache said .”I want to go to the saloon then to my fiance’s place .” Dooshima said .

“I’ve to drive you miss Lillian .” The DSS officer officer said .”No problem but you should know that am not coming back till around four five in the evening?” Dooshima said ,Psalm smiled. “Miss Lillian don’t worry about me , I’ll come back anytime you do .”Psalm said ,as he got into Dooshima’s Lexus .

“You don’t have that happy look ,like a bride should on the eve of her wedding day .” Psalm said , Dooshima’s head was relaxed on the head rest of her car seat .

“I am just so tired Psalm, I cannot even phantom the feeling inside of me , sometimes I feel am being pressured into something , a monster that would ruin me, but I’m already trapped in there , I cannot run away .” Dooshima said eyes still closed , Psalm made a right turn onto an unpaved road that led towards Mimidoo’s house .

“Dooshima you see this marriage thing it’s you alone that would be in it oh , not your mother , not your father , if your mind doesn’t carry you, just pull out .” He said , Dooshima smiled eyes still shut . “My ex called me this morning , I missed his calls , when I returned back the call, he was begging me nor to go ahead with the marriage .” Dooshima said .

“Does he think I will be foolish enough to hear him ? A man who promised me the heaven and earth , I opened my heart to him , he left me and child , abandoned us , now he’s telling me Terfa is a bad man ,well at least Terfa’s parents accepted my child ,I cannot marry into any family , where my baby will be mistreated.”Dooshima said .

“Well Dooshima if you’re having a bad vibe about this marriage and he told you Terfa isn’t a good guy don’t you think you not continue with the marriage ? At least ask him for evidence ?” Psalm suggested.

“Well he was insisting on seeing me to share his evidence, I just don’t to see him , I wouldn’t be with Terfa if he had not walked away.”Dooshima said , they got to Mimidoo’s mother’s house , the house had been newly built , the old woman was leaving in an old mud house with corrugated Zinc , but Mimidoo built her a three bedroom flat and moved her out of the mud house .

“Mama how are you doing ?” Dooshima got down from the car and embraced Mimidoo’s mum . “Aaah Dooshima you’re looking so beautiful.” Mimidoo’s mum said in Tiv language. “Is that your husband?” She asked Dooshima who shook her head .

“Mama he’s a my friend .” Dooshima said mama Mimidoo smiled . “Come and sit down let me turn Eba for you please Dooshima?” Mimi’s mum begged . “Ma I just ate before leaving the house .” Dooshima Said with a gleeful smile across her face .

“We’ll be coming for your wedding on Saturday.” Mama Mimi said , Dooshima thanked her in advance , Mimi got into the back of the SUV,they began to gallop their way to the tarred road. Mimidoo gave Psalm direction to the shop of her hair dresser , they had made a reservation since on Monday ,they stopped at the market Square , Dooshima and Mimidoo got out of the vehicle .

They went to the woman’s shop , she was making a lady’s hair , one of her girls room over the ladies hair , She spent over three hours making Dooshima’s hair ,a call came into her phone just about when the woman finished with her hair . It was Mimidoo.

“Hello Dooshima sorry I had wanted to see you in person,you cannot get married to Terfa he’s a bad person .”She said , Dooshima crackled . “Mimi your brother just called and told me the same thing , what is it with my marriage that you and your brother are against ?” Dooshima asked Mimi .

“Dooshima I am currently in Abuja with my boss , it came up urgently , when I came to your traditional marriage your looked like somebody I had seen on a picture before , so I took a snap shot and showed it to Terdue .”
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