The sun had just risen over Makurdi , Agada and Ada had travelled from Abuja to be with Ogwuche at Gboko , they drove through the busy Makurdi, by ten A.M they were at FMC in Makurdi,

Ogwuche was wearing a sky blue shirt , with a blue jeans , he lagged behind his uncle and his wife , the two discussed as they walked into the general out patient ward .

“Ogwuche please keep up , we need to go and see the doctor now .” He said Ogwuche continued slowly towards his uncle .

The walked down the long corridor that led to the psychiatric ward , Agada turned his face to Ogwuche, raised up his hands and signal for him to come forward, Ogwuche walked into his uncle’s arms , Agada put his arms over Ogwuche’s shoulder .

Ogwuche had returned to his handsome shake , flesh had covered the bones , he looked rejuvenated and charming like he did before he was thrown into prison .

“Ogwuche even if Lillian is getting married to another man , that’s not the end of the world . I love you more than all my children, I don’t know if it’s because you remind me so much of my father .” Agada said calmly that even Ada couldn’t hear their discussion.

“I just want you to know that your life doesn’t end because a woman rejected you .” He said Ogwuche simply nodded , he bit the lower part of his lips and took his eyes away from his uncle so he wouldn’t see the tears bubbling in them .

“When we get there to see the psychologist please I want you to listen to them , you can actually be what you had set out to be , you cannot let one set back end your career and life.”

Ogwuche was mute not uttering a single word , he just tagged along with his uncle , Ada found an empty metal office bench sitting outside the ward , Ogwuche and his uncle went inside .

The interior of the office was larger than it looked outside , very spacious inside , with a large table sitting at the middle inside of the office was three doctors , two men and a lady , Ogwuche stared at the medical calendars hanging on the wall , he could remember them from his days of internship in Abuja and while he worked as a doctor in Gboko .
“You’re welcome doctor Ogwuche.” The man who appeared to be their senior said . He stretched his hands out to shake him , The lady doctor stared at Ogwuche , in an uncomfortable way , Agada and his nephew were shown a seat to sit down .

“Doctor Ogwuche I summon your courage to come here today , your uncle here , is my very good friend , I know you may not remember me again , I used to come to your house regularly when I was working at the Gboko General Hospital,but I moved away fifteen years ago when I was posted here .”

the man said , his hands intertwined on the table top . “Of course he told me all you’ve been true , of which I feel very sorry , you’re a Christian right ?” He asked Ogwuche , he just raised his eyes up to look at him without saying a word , then returned his face to the ground .

“Job in the Bible was beaten by life , he lost all his wealth , he lost his children , then he was sick , that his wife asked him to curse God and die . but what did he do ? Job trusted in the Lord .

He didn’t let the problems of his life rob him of hope .” The man said , Ogwuche raised his face , to look at the man and the passion on his face .

“You see Job according to the Bible became greater than he was , before the malady , the death the pains and the sorrows .
I am not talking to you as a psychologist, my colleagues here would do that, I am talking to you as one who knew you as a boy when you and your cousin’s play football in the compound , as your uncle’s friend ,you’re your uncle’s family , so you’re mine too .” the man said .

“Dr Ogwuche, we made calls to general Hospital Gboko,we were told what excellent Surgeon you were , it’s true how devastating it’s to lost eight years of your life , but the truth is life doesn’t end there .
You have to get up and begin to run again , you’re still young at thirty four years you can still achieve everything you had thought you would achieve , there’s so little we can do , only you can encourage yourself , not anyone else .”

The short and chubby doctor who was wearing a sky-blue shirt and a navy blue suit with with stripes said .

“Doctor Ogwuche you’re such a fine man , if I were you I would have just pick up my life , you’re such a handsome man , you cannot waste your life , you may think the lady you lost is the finest wine , but you have not tasted all the wines in the world .” the nurse said .
“I am single and searching oh , if you want to try again , I am available.” She joked , they all laughed , Ogwuche looked at her , she was actually so beautiful , she had a light complexion, almost like a mixed race person , her thick and black Afro hair , was tied with a band , slim body with pronounced curves and pointy boobs, the contours of the nipples protruded out of her black and red flowery satin gown .

Ogwuche raised his eyes up stared at her and smiled . The men in the room laughed . the session ended up with laughter.

Agada , Ada and the head psychologist discussed and laughed , while Ogwuche stood further down the corridor, he saw the doctor walking down the corridor , he was blown away by her beauty , she walked gracefully on the high heels shoes , that had a diamond colour encrusted applique.

She smiled at Ogwuche and walked up to him . “Hey Doctor Ogwuche , I wasn’t kidding by the ways, I have not been in a relationship for a while , I’m from Apa local government.

” She handed him a complementary card. “From your records I saw that you attempted suicide, a first class doctor ? you cannot waste your life because your relationship failed , if you do want to give love and life a chance call me , I am in Makurdi , I can drive down to Gboko to see you .” The doctor said .

“Ajuma!” The doctor who was wearing a blue suit called her , she giggled. “I see what you’re doing , you’re toasting your patient?” The man said , Ogwuche smiled softly , the man walked up to the two of them and shook Ogwuche’s hand .

“You see Ajuma here is a beauty to behold . I just wish you know that they’re many fishes in the ocean . Don’t kill yourself because a fish you caught jumped back into the ocean , just catch another one .” He tapped Ogwuche’s shoulders before going .

“Can I have your number please?” Ajuma asked Ogwuche , his uncle had gotten him a brand new iPhone ten , he gave her his number she dialled her number , Ogwuche saved hers.

She waved at him , as she made her way down the corridor , soon Mr Agada and his wife came to join Ogwuche , Mr Agada was beaming with smile .

“Oh seems somebody saw somebody.” he teased as they walked towards the car park , Ogwuche smiled .

“Well am happy for you Ogwuche , that you’re getting better .” Ada added . “Heart break hurts that much , but you’ll heal .” She said as they got into the car .

“Ogwuche I’ve started processing your Visa , I want you to go America , I’ve a friend there who would help you secure , he appalled by your excellent results , so you will be working as you further your studies , you could distract yourself with pursuing an MSc, if you do love Ajuma , I’ll make it possible for her to join you there .” Mr Agada said .
“Pius told me she’s a decent girl from a very good Christian family , she had a bad breakup from her fiance ,who impregnated another lady two months to their wedding and everything was called off , she’s surviving , she’s not carrying her problems on her head .

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