Shiana and Destiny were playing outside the compound , on a Monday morning , when the sounds of vehicles with blaring Sirens entered their street , without communication, the two girls ran helter skelter, two paths they took that led to their various houses , the sight of police men wearing bullet proof vest and ballistic helmets terrified the girls , over seven SUVs with two Hilux trucks , DSS Officials ran before and around the black Toyota Landcruiser Prado bullet proof SUV.

Dooshima was inside the bathroom , Shiana jumped in there with her .
“What is it Shiana ahanha can’t you see that I am bathing what are you doing here !” Dooshima yelled, wiping the soap from her face.

“Mummy Mummy they’re some men with guns outside , they all over the place they want to shoot us .” The noise of the sirens outside made Dooshima’s heart beat , all her neighbours went inside their houses , they were terrified of the police men , who where strategically positioned Thier backs against the vehicles .

“Mummy who are they? are they going to shoot us ?” Shiana asked , still holding on tightly to her mum , Dooshima peeped out of the window of her bathroom , she saw a man in black suit and white long sleeve shirt , with a red tie and black sport sunshades talking to one of the the tenant , who was pointing to Dooshima’s room her heart began to beat .

She dried up the water from her body , then hurried to change up her into an easy gown , she stepped out of the house , she almost collapsed she she came face to face with her father , she couldn’t contain the emotions , Dooshima burst into tears , the professor fell to his knees , his face to the ground , he wept so loud , that the terrified neighbours began to come out one by one.

“Who who is he ?” Shiana asked her mother , Seember let out a loud cry as she too came down from the vehicle , the two of them embraced Dooshima .

“Oh my baby you’ve been in Lessel all this years ? I have searched for you all over Nigeria , oh God I thought I lost you .”The professor embraced Dooshima , he cried forgetting his pride and masculine composure , tears flpwed freely .

“Why did you not come back home all this years?” athe professor asked with a teary eyes .
“I thought I thought you died , that -that I killed you .” Dooshima wept .

“No baby it wasn’t you, I caused it , I loved you too much my daughter , I expected perfection , but you were just a human . I returned back since four years ago , I’ve searched for you all over the place .” the professor said hugging Dooshima tightly not letting her go , he didn’t want to lost her the second time .

“Is this your baby ?” Seember asked , touching Shiana’s hair , she was a replica of Seember at Shiana’s age . Dooshima nodded , Seember scooped Shiana and embraced her very tight . The neighbours all came out to greet Dooshima’s father .

Nobody in the neighbourhood could believe that a daughter of such a wealthy man had been leaving in such a humble place . “Dooshima it’s time to go home .” The professor said , Dooshima nodded .

“Zachary please get three million naira from the boot let’s share to this good people here .” the Professor said , with a heart filled with joy , his arm remained on Dooshima’s neck .

Zachary , the P.A to the professor , shared three hundred thousand naira to the other ten families, including Grandma’s grandchildren , one of her daughter had to come back from Makurdi to take care of the ten children who were under Dooshima’s care , she was feeding them , though Mr Aaron was sending money for their upkeep .

Dooshima did not take a pin from her house , except for her law school form , she joined her father’s convoy to Gboko , there was a big ceremony going on , the Jubilation was overwhelming, they had gotten the information that Dooshima had been found .

Dooshima almost fell to her on her face when a plumpy lady jumped on her .”Dooshima ! Dooshima! I think you God, I thank you God!” She cried .

“Mimidoo!” Dooshima embraced her friend , they hugged each other for over a minute , Professor Gamadi waited for the embrace , to carry Dooshima by the hand into the family house ,the music continued for a long time .

The guest kept tripping in and out . Christopher and Charles couldn’t hide their joy of seeing Dooshima , the police men had brought the information three days earlier that Dooshima had been living in Lessel , just forty minutes away . It came as shock .

Anabel was also there with her husband and children , she embraced Dooshima . “Am sorry my sister , I failed you , I am so sorry .” She cried .

“It’s okay I learnt a lot during this seven years of exile , I thank God that I am back home .” Dooshima said , for the first time Shiana met with cousins , the kids were jumping up and down the mansion playing .

Guest from the church and government filled the house ,there was so much food to eat.
Dooshima ate from her father’s house for the first time in seven years .

The days grew into weeks , one of the interesting visitors that Dooshima had was Mr Agada and his wife , who had moved to Abuja and were working under her father’s ministry in the accounting department .

“Lillian I want to beg you to forgive me , I don’t know what came over me .”Ada begged .

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