Written By Mayor



“Ha ha!” Natasha laughed out loud throwing the popcorn in her mouth. They are currently watching a comedy romance movie and the aura was amazing.

“Geez she threw the cake on his face wow! What a gust” Jake also laughed with some other people around.

“Woah! Jake he’s going to fall!” Natasha explained grabbing Jake’s shirt.

Few seconds later the male lead fell and laughter erupted the whole place.

Jake gaze left the movie and went towards Natasha whose eyes were so focus in on the movie.

Her short brown hair matched with her oval face. She has a piercing on her nose which gave her a hot look.

Yeah.. He has feeling for her but she never noticed and he on the other hand never shows it. That’s because she has a boyfriend.

The movie got to a kssing scene and Natasha had a blank look on her face. She look around and found some couple kssing.

“I guess the cinema is full of couples. What’s with the kssing”

“We can join them if you want” Jake said.

Natasha began to laugh hard on her spot. Seeing the serious look on his face, she stopped laughing.

“Oh wait, you’re serious?” She asked.

Before she knew it, Jake held one side of her head and kssed her on the stop.

Natasha eyes widened.

Realizing what he had done, Jake pulled away. “Oh Gawd I’m sorry.. I … didn’t mean to. I don’t know what I was..

“What the h’ll Jake!” Natasha snapped Standing on her feet, then leave the place.

“Fk” Jake swept his hair backwards regretting what he just did before following her.

Natasha got out and breath, what was that? Why would he do that all of a sudden? While she was still there, she spot a familiar figure.

The guy grab the bvm of the lady beside him before kssing her hard.

Her face turned paled and her stomach dropped.

They were still kssing when Jake appeared.
“Tasha!!” He called.

Hearing her name the guy stopped and look her direction with his eyes widened. He quickly disconnect himself from the lady with him.

“L..lake? The fk!” Jake stuttered.

“Natasha, uhm.. I.. I can explain” Lake said trying to move close. The girl beside him held his hand but he jerk it away from her.

“Tasha, I swear it’s not what you think” Lake pulled his hair.

Natasha only kept quiet not knowing what to do. She had been dating this guy for months now giving him her all. Now she has to be broken this way?…No!

Taking a deep breath, Natasha turned to Jake, grab him by his shirt and crashed her lips on his.



Elsa brow crease in her sleep. She was hearing muffle sounds, heavy breaths and the sound of someone whispering.

It took her a while before she remembered last night. She was with Raymond.

Opening her eyes, the scene in front of her got her worried. There was sweat all over his body.

His face was greatly disturbed, eyes closed and he kept gritting his teeth. He said something but she couldn’t hear it.

“Ray” she called lightly touching his face. He was burning. Her eyes widened.

“Raymond wake up” she said tapping his cheek.

“I didn’t do” He said still struggling. More bead of sweat formed on his head as his breath got heavy the more.

Tears came out of his eyes even when his eyes was closed.

“Ray please wake up, it’s a dream” She said again getting scared. What cruel past could he have had? What made him like this? Her heart shattered.

“I swear I didn’t do, let me go!” He spranged up pulling his hair hard while groaning as if he was in pain. “I didn’t do it”

His sister, the bloody picture, The way the police dragged him out of his apartment, the disgusting look on people’s face, even on his parents, the accident, the to.rture from both the police and his cell mate, his svicidal attempt, the judge, How he got bI.ood on his hand, the girl he almost klled.. everything was hunting him right now driving the whole of him crazy.

Pool of Tears finds its way out of his eyes as he kept on pulling his hair screaming the words… I DIDN’T DO IT.

Elsa held his cheek, his eyes were tightly closed. “Raymond look at me” she said but that didn’t help the situation.

The moonlight rest on his bare chest and Elsa eyes widened. Even with the tattooed over him, she could still see the scars. ‘What happened you?’

“Ray please, open your eyes” her voice came out shaky. She wants to cry but she couldn’t.

His whole body was on fire as he kept on pulling his hair hard. “Please, no, It wasn’t me” he muffled this time as he kept on panicking.

With Swift move Elsa crashed her lips on his diving her tongue into his mouth immediately.

His breath stop and he stiffened. She sucked on the ring on his lower lips before pulling out.

When she was done, she found his emarald eyes opened staring at her.

Some of his hair glued on his forehead due to his sweat, his cheek was wet with tears and his pink lips wet because of the kss.

Never had she thought she would see him this way.

“Ray” she called softly at the guy who kept on staring. She moved closer to him and hug his face to her chest.

“It’s alright, everything is alright” she whispered stroking his black hair while kssing it.

Raymond raised his hand to hug her back sobbing hard on her chest.

After his sob died down, Elsa disconnected herself from him, his head facing down.

“I’ll go get the kits, you’re burning up” she said trying to leave the bed but his strong arm stopped her instantly and he plead in his hoarse voice.

“Please Stay, Don’t leave me”





NOTE: Searching for any story? Just go to google browser or any search engine, then type the title of the story with ‘‘ for example: In Between Love And Luxury Chapters 1 – 10

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