Written By Mayor


I thought I lost you” Raymond said sitting on one of the men body with his hand dripping in bI.ood. His gaze went down to his wounded stomach. He was $t..abbed.

“C.. Can you come over? I wanna see you” she asked in a whisper.

“You should go with Brahms. I need to find Lucas. If we don’t stop him now then things might get worse. I’ll be fine I promise” He assured lightly.

“No, you can’t go and meet him alone. He’s more dangerous than how you think” she said shaking her head.

“I need you to trust me Elsa. I know this is hard for you but we have no choice.

Okay, I love you and I so fucking miss those lips of yours. I wanna taste you again.. Fk! I think I’m getting hard..”

She chuckled at his joke.

“I promise to be fine Elsa. Brahms will take you somewhere safe. I Love you so dmn much Baby”

“I love You so much” Elsa replied, she returned the earphone to Brahms.

“Let’s go” He said leading her downstairs.

Raymond face turned back cold looking like a dvil once again. He stood staring at the men coming to him.

His klling was more brvtal and fast. Using his knlves and gvn in a professional way.

Finally, he was at the top. Lucas room.

“Welcome Raymond, it took you long enough” A voice sounded through a speaker.

“I ain’t gonna talk to you through a goddmn speaker. How about you show your ugly face and let’s talk” Raymond glare.

The door opened by itself and Raymond walked in slowly. His eyes came face to face with the dvil himself. BLACK VENOM.

Without wasting a moment, Raymond grabbed him by his shirt and threw several pvnches on his face until he bI.eed from both his lips and nose.

Even with this, Lucas was laughing lightly.

“Motherfker, how could you! How could you destroy so many lives and still smile”

Another pvnch land on Lucas’s face again but he was still laughing.

“Fk you venom!!” Raymond grabbed him up again and hit his back on the wall.

“What could have my sister possibly done to you. Why do you have to kll her in a ¢ruel way!!!”

Lucas grin even with his bI.oody lips and face. “Oh Raymond, watching the footage of how your Victoria scream while they rappe her was fun.

You on the other hand had to suffer for it. It was funny…

Raymond bought out the knlfe from his pocket and raised it to $t..ab his head but stopped Midway.

“Go on, kll me Raymond just like you klled Raider”

“No id!ot, you’re to die a painful de..ath. A slow one which is going to make you regret” Raymond gritted his teeth.

“Come to think of it Ray, we are not different from each other. Our love ones got klled in a gru..esome way.

We were alone fghting our trauma without anyone’s help. We shouldn’t be fighting, we should be together ruling this cruel world..”

“No!” Raymond cut in. “Cut the bvllsht, we are nothing alike okay. I faced a cruel past because of you and even with that, I go around and meet people who changed my life.

You were the one who changed. You are the problem of yourself!” He almost yelled.

Lucas kept quiet for a while before smiling again. “I guess that’s a no? Alright then… MY TURN”.


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