Written By Mayor


Professor Lucas is the mysterious man who is behind a lot of dirty works done?

“You’re kidding right?” She asked with her eyes tearing up.

“No I’m not, this is who I am” He step closer to her, raised his hand to touch her cheek. “I love you E…”

He could finish his word as a slap resounded on his cheek. His evil side slowly creep in, he turn his dark eyes to her.

“Jerk! It’s has always been you! Raymond faced h’ll because of you, you kidnapped my sister and almost klled her too?

You klled Natasha’s mom? You poisoned me! You fking bstard!” She spat sI.apping him on the same cheek and that was it.

Lucas grabbed Elsa by the neck and ht her back on the wall, drawing his face close to her face, and warned.

“I hate it when I get hit baby so watch it, trust me, you don’t wanna see the other side of me” his jaw clinched hard.

But the next thing she did was to spit on his face.

“Fk you!” She spat.


“Fk you! You enjoy destroying people’s lives. I should I’ve known you’re such a bstard” Elsa manage to speak.

Lucas wiped off the Saliva on his face. Raising his eyes to her again. Elsa secretly took the small pen on the table.

“Piper was captured because she stole from a person she shouldn’t. I released her because I found out that she’s your sister.

Do you know how many times she escape de..ath. I let her go because of you. I have no idea on what you’re doing to me Elsa.

I find myself getting soft, doing thing I don’t wish to do.. right now I should be teaching you a good lesson for slapping and spiting on my fking face”

“I tried to be good for you Elsa but yet you fell for a guy who hurts you most time. Why can’t it be me?!”

Elsa scoffed, right now her anger just grew the more. “Go fuck yourself Psycho”

The grip on her neck tighten and she choke.

“I don’t wanna hurt you Elsa, once this is over, I’ll take you with me whether you like or not” he said gritting his teeth.

Elsa kicked him on his groin before he could process what’s going on, She rushed towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

Her gaze land on the key on the table and she rush to grab it but Lucas pulled her back then forcefully kssed her on the lips but he recieved a b!te causing his lower lips to bI.eed. This made him ht her on the face sending her to the floor.

“Right, I should teach you some respect first” He said.

Elsa’s eyes turned cold as she stay on her place, her fist tighten. That’s it; This bstard is going to pay dearly for htting her.

She swiftly grabbed a glass cup on the table to h!t it on his head but to her surprise he held her hand then h!t her again sending her back to the floor.

“In the next hour. We are leaving to jetsu island. There, you’re going to spend the rest of your life with me” Lucas muttered.

“In your dream” she muttered pressing the tip on the pen bringing out a small blade. ‘Even better’ she said inwardly. She turned then $t..abbed his leg.

“Argh!” Lucas wince kneeling. Elsa went ahead and hit him hard on his head before rushing to grab the key.

“Elsa!” He yelled at her.

Elsa rushed out and lock him in. Unknown to her Lucas only let her go because he wanted to.

“Elsa! You can’t escape me!” She heard him yelled.

She turned to leave but two men stood before her with a gvn pointed to her head.

“Hello” she smiled awkwardly.



NOTE: Searching for any story? Just go to google browser or any search engine, then type the title of the story with ‘‘ for example: In Between Love And Luxury Chapters 1 – 10

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