Written By Mayor


She just wish Raymond could burst into the place and save her like he always do. Her head was spinning already. BI.ood and brvises was over her body.

“Fk!” Blue groaned out releasing inside of her.

“Brahms, you’re next” he said to him.

“I.. I can’t.. guys are mo.nsters” he muttered going backwards.

Victoria was lying with her eyes close. The pain all over her body was h’llish.

If she had just listened to her brother maybe she won’t be in this situation. More tears rolled down her eyes.

One thing she didn’t know was what was coming.

“Geez Brahms, you just disappointed me. I hate you now” Blue shook his head and look back to the girl.

“What’s next?” One of them asked.

“We’ll kll her of course dummy. That was what we were asked to do” Blue said bringing of his own knlfe. “$t.abbing”

“Yeah, I love $t.abbing” Smith muttered.

“Guys noo!!” Brahms yelled and ran towards the them but it was too late. The first $t.ab reach her tummy already.

Smith ordered one of them to hold Brahms back. He shut his eyes closed hearing Victoria scream renting the room.

“Stop!” Brahms shuddered in fear. “Please stop”

Her voice died down. BI.ood, holes was all over her body. Thirteen $t.abs.

Smiling, Blue dropped the knlfe. Their hands was dripping with bI.ood. “That was fun” he muttered.

“Let’s go” He said as they all got out of the place dragging Brahms with them.

“Let go of me!” Brahms yelled jerking himself away from them. “Do you really have to do that?

You guys are mo.nsters!! How could you have klled her like that?!” He yelled madly.

“Kll who?” Thomas asked behind them. He have a secret crush on Victoria,

Raymond didn’t know about. Hearing she went on an errand, Thomas decided to track her here.

“Great, now we have someone else to kll” Blue smirked bringing out his knlfe.

“We’ll kll you later. You’re useless” Smith said to Brahms as they all turn to face Thomas with a de.adly look.

Brahms fist tightened as he walked towards them. The scene of how Victoria got klled replayed over and over on his head.

He is never going to allow that to happen again, not on his watch!

Getting towards them he pvnched one of them on the face sending him to the ground immediately.

“Brahms, are you ¢razy?!” Smith yelled but was $t..abbed on the forehead by him.

“Sht!” Blue bought out his gvn and s hot Brahms. He dodge but the bvllet h!t his right arm.

Getting to him, he held his hand and pvnch his stomach several times. He collected the gvn from him and s hot the other two.

Grabbing his on knlfe, he cut Blue’s h and off.

“Arghhhh!!!!” Blue screamed agonizingly. The next thing was his neck being slashed and he went down immediately dying in the process.

This was his first time klling.

Thomas kept shivering in fear as he watch Brahms hands dripping in bI.ood.

“Pls don’t kll me” Thomas muttered.


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