Written By Mayor


“You’re the masked guy?” Elsa asked in disbelief, her voice shaking as ever.

“Yeah, I am.. I swear I had a reason. Raider was the behind the framing thing.

He and his gang was sent to fake the scene where my sister d!ed. He was working with a mysterious man who ordered the d..eath of my sister. I.. I am so sorry Elsa…

I swear to God, I regret what I did that night. I thought he was the one who klled my sister.. I $hot him without getting to know what he was about to say…

I’m sorry Elsa” He bit down his lower lips hard as tears run down from his hand.

Elsa took a sharp intake of breath.

‘Victoria Hampton, do you know her?’

‘Oh no!.. see you need to listen’

‘Answer the goddmn question’

‘I know her but…’

Elsa remembered how Raider was shot before her.

“And I tried to kill you too, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I did what I had to do at that moment” Raymond said so low she almost didn’t hear him.

“Is that why you tried to push me away?” She asked lightly while staring deeply at him. Her eyes slowly turns red.

“Yeah, cus I know you’ll hate me, I deserve any hatred that comes from you..

If you ask me if I had the intention of klling you that night…” Raymond paused rethinking what he was about to say.

“My answer would be Yes, I wanted to kll you but I didn’t know why I stopped. Maybe I didn’t cause the heaven wants to punish me this way..

I just want you to know that my love for you isn’t a lie, I know I said some sht to you at the bar.

I just didn’t know how to break the news to you. I’ve never loved anyone this much Elsa.

I can’t even stop thinking about you for a second. You bought out the better side of me even when I’m such stubborn sometime”

“Sleeping beside you feels like heaven, your smile and laughter makes my heart go ¢razy”

Elsa only stared at guy whose face was wet with tears. Her heart was shattering into pieces.

“I’m sorry you fell in love with a coward Elsa. I don’t deserve you.. I never did and I hate myself for being around you” He wiped his tears afterwards.

He stood and handed the knlfe to her hand. “I’ll leave now, call me if you need me. I’ll always come for you”

He leaned down kssing her brown hair lightly as he turned to leave. Raymond broke down again in tears leaving the room.

Elsa stayed there without moving for a while, the news hit her pretty hard.

Why does it have to be Raymond of all people? She fell in love with the guy who klled her father and almost klled her too?

Few minutes later, she was walking in the street, her mind was blank, her skin look paled.

She just kept on walking then stopped when when she couldn’r take it anymore.

Her memories with her dad came in and shut her eyes close.

‘Dad, I wrote this music. Wanna hear it?’

She remembered the smile on his face hearing her sing.

‘How’s my Karate?!’

‘It’s awesome Elsa, keep it up’ Raider’s voice echoed in her head.

‘I love you’ Her will say kssing her head.

After the fire incident..

‘I hate you, I just wish your brother had been saved instead of you little bstard!’ Raider would yell kcking her almost every night when he gets drunk while little Piper only watch.

‘Don’t come close to me d’vil!’

‘I fking h..ate, you’re such a bad omen’

She sometimes see her dad do dirty jobs. Raider had once beaten a man half d..ead in front of her before.

‘Dad! You should stop hurting people!’ she most time yell but get a beating in return.

‘She died because of you!!.. you were the reason why those goons have to trap us in a fire.

Mom warned you several times to stop these dirty job but you didn’t listen!’

‘I just wished she had saved your little brother instead of a rat like you’

The way her father threw a bottle at her replayed in her head. He was about to her with a metal pole, when Raymond came in and $hot him d.ead.


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